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I woke up to the sound of machines and steady heartbeats.

I looked around me and squinted. Where was I?
This place seemed too familiar.

Then it hit me. I fainted at the concert and obviously got brought to my second home. Hospital.

I turned to my right to see two boys with there heads in their hands.

It was Luke and Michael.

Michaels head rose and he looked at me.

"Willow! You're awake! Thank god, we were so worried" Michael said causing Luke to look up.

"Why are you two here?" I asked.

"Well you fainted last-"

I cut him off telling him that I knew what happened I just wanted to know why you were here.

"Well, Luke didn't want to leave and Calum had to go so I came to visit" he explained.

"Oh. Why didn't you want to leave?" I asked Luke.

"He, uh, he just wanted to make sure you were okay" Michael answered for Luke.

"Yeah" Luke muttered.

I nodded in response.

"I thought I just fainted, why am I in hospital?" I wondered out loud.

"Well, Calum and I didn't know what to do so we called for help and the first aid people at the concert checked you and then brought you to hospital and t-then w-we" Luke stuttered.

"They found out you are sick" Michael completed.

I nodded.

"How are you feeling?" Michael asked.

"Okay I guess" I lied. I didn't feel okay, my stomach felt like I had ate a cactus and my back hurt like someone had just stabbed me with an axe.

"Okay, look I told my mum I'd drop her to work at two so ill have to go" Michael told us.

"Okay, thanks for coming" I said.

We waved him off as he left the hospital room.



"I had no idea you were sick" Luke said with pity in his eyes.

"I didn't want to tell you all straight away. I was planning on telling you but just not so soon" I told him.

"I can't imagine what it's like"

"Don't take pity on me" I said straight out.

"I w-wasn't I j-just" Luke stuttered once again. Gosh, what was wrong with him today?

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I just don't want to be known for the girl with leukaemia. I want to be known for me." I explained.

"You will always be known for you." He said while looking into my eyes.

I blushed. Oh god, what this boy did to me was unnatural. I know I said that I didn't have time for a relationship or a crush, but Luke is something different. He's special.

"My grandmother had cancer" he said out of nowhere, about five minutes after.

"Had?" I shouldn't of said that, I was hoping that he'd say she was cured and that she didn't die but by the look on his face his reply didn't seem like it was going to be positive.

"Yeah. She died on my 16th birthday"

"I'm so sorry" I told him.

Tears were in the brim of his eyes. He nodded.

"It's okay. I know must people get upset when a loved one dies, but for me I really only get sad at the thought of the memories we had. I believe in an afterlife. It might not be heaven nor it might not be hell. It could be an underground world were everyone has unicorns and fluffy ponies, or it could be on a planet somewhere in outer space. I don't feel sad when I let someone go because I know I will be with them again when my time comes. I feel sad when I think of the memories that I had with that person while we were both living in the same world and I look forward to the ones we will make when we are both living in the world of afterlife." Luke said, looking down and furrowing his eyebrows every few seconds.

"That's a good way to look at things Luke" I smiled.

He just chuckled a little bit.

"I didn't want to leave you because I realised how someone could be here one moment and gone the next. I know I barely know you but I would love to get I know you better, Willow, you seem fun."

I laughed.

"Well, if you consider staying indoors for most of the day and occasionally going out for pizza once in a while fun, that hell yeah, I'm so much fun!"

We both laughed.

"That seems very fun, Willow. I'd love to hang out with you sometime, if you're willing to let me?" He said in a questioning tone.

"I'd have to think about that Luke. I wouldn't want to be seen in public with you, you'd cramp my style." I joked.

"Yeah, I suppose I would. I didn't think about that" Luke said sarcastically.

"As soon as you are well enough to hang out, I'm up for it."

"It's a deal then Hemmings." I said.

"The doctors said that they're going to talk with you and your parents this evening." Luke informed me.

"Okay." I simply said.

I hope it was just a check up that they were telling us about, I'm not up for bad news.

** sorry for another short chapter but I saw tfios today and I am an emotional wreck and not in the mood to write or do anything productive.

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