twenty two

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I was currently sitting on a park bench waiting for Amelia.

I was going to be waiting awhile. I already told you how she's late for everything.

She asked to meet up because she had to tell me something important.

I sat there on my phone, messaging Luke about some animal he had just discovered.

We were a couple for a month now. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

Aoife and Michael also called us over to there place later on because they had news.

Aoife would give birth in three months or so. It could be more, could be less.

After twenty minutes of waiting Amelia finally arrived.

"About time" I said to her sarcastically.

"Sorry, I got side tracked" she told me while greeting me with a friendly hug.

"So what's so important that you had to tell me?" I asked her.

"Well, you know that my dad lost his job a few months ago and we can barley survive on my mothers income of $200 every two weeks..." She started.

Where was this going?

"So, since my aunt and uncle own a business in Mexico my parents can get better jobs there and we will be near family" Amelia finished.

"So you're moving to Mexico? Permanently?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"When?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

My best friend was moving to Mexico. We'd been through so much together and now were going to be miles apart.

"Next week.."

None of us said anything after that, we just hugged each other and cried a little.

Amelia said that she didn't want to make a big deal out of it and just make the most of the week she had left. She had already told Nathan and he was more upset than Amelia. He was going to lose the girl he loved.


Myself and Amelia spent the day together and were now on our way to Michael and Aoifes apartment so they can tell us they're news.

We pulled up in the driveway and got out of the car.

We didn't even have to knock, Luke and Calum most of seen us from the window and bolted to get the door for us.

"Willow! Amelia!" Calum cheered.

"Hey guys!" Luke greeted.

We said hello to the boys and made our way to ye living room.

"Okay, since everyone is here we might as well to you all our news!" Aoife began.

She seemed extremely happy so it must be good news.

"So... We've finally set a date for the wedding!" Aoife exclaimed.

"Really?! What's the date?" I asked happily.

"September 21st" aoife replied. (My birthday :p)

"That's great!" We all cheered.

"That's not all" Michael said while taking Aoifes hands.

We all looked at them in confusion, waiting for them to tell us more.

"We went for the scan last week and we found out that were not only having one but two babies!" Michael cheered his voice getting louder.

Everyone congratulated them and hugged them.

Woah, two kids at the age of eighteen.

** short but a filler. Sorry for not updating a few days... I was going through writers block :/

What do you guys think is going to happen in the whole situation of everything?...

Dramatic chapter next... Not that dramatic but oh well.

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