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I was currently walking to meet Luke in the park. It was our date. We decided just to go to the park and have a picnic. We didn't want any over the top fancy date kind of thing.

I walked as quick as I could, eager to meet up with Luke.

Soon I was at the entrance of the park. Luke told me to meet him by the old oak tree in the left corner of the park so I did as he said.

I was about five metres away from Luke and I could already see him setting out a small rug along with some foods from a picnic basket.

He lifted his head and looked around. His eyes widened when he saw me and he got up and made his way over to me.

"Willow!" He sad while engulfing me in a hug.

He gave the best hugs ever. Seriously.

"Hey, Luke!" I cheered.

He leaded me over to the little picnic. We sat down on the stripy red and black rug.

"I didn't really know what to bring so I just made some sandwiches and brought some fruit and sweets" Luke laughed.

"Awh, this is so thoughtful of you!" I said to him.

"It probably seems so cliché but I'm not into the whole out of this world first date thing. I prefer simple but effective" he smiled.

I laughed at him.

He poured some fruit drink into cups and handed me one of them.

"You look beautiful, Willow" Luke complimented.

"Thank you, you look good yourself" I blushed.

After we ate some foods we decided to go to the park and mess around.

"Willow! Get on the swing, I want to push you!" Luke shouted from the swing set.

I laughed and made my way over to the swings. I hopped on one of them and Luke began to push me.

"How about each time I push you I say a word to describe you and every time you get pushed away you say a word to describe me?" Luke suggested.

"Yeah! That sounds fun!" I cheered.

Luke pushed me.

"Beautiful" Luke said.

"Handsome" I laughed.








"Good music taste"

"That's three words willow!" Luke laughed.

"Well, I couldn't think of any more one word adjectives." I defended.

"Oh so I'm only worth four one word adjectives?!" Luke asked jokingly.

"You're worth much more Luke" I laughed.

He stopped pushing me and stood in front of me.

"Willow? I know how many times I've told you that I like you but I don't think you realise how much I like you. I've never felt this way about a girl before. I know I've only know for about a year but it feels like I've known you my whole life. I really, really like you Willow" Luke admitted while staring into my eyes.

"I feel the exact same way about you Luke" I told him.

He smiled and leaned down to my lips, capturing them. I smiled into the kiss and so did he.

This was going to be more than just a stupid teenage relationship.

** v short, forgive me? just telling you in advance that I won't be able to update all weekend as I have a camping trip with girl guides :p

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