9. Tell It All

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" Bae you ok? " Malak put a reassuring hand on my thigh and squeezed it tenderly.

" No." I leaned onto my seatbelt and cried softly.

"OK? Drop the shit and tell me what's wrong!"

Of course, I debated telling him, but he deserves to know what I did.

" I'll tell you at home."

( At Janee' house )

I hopped out the car and jogged to my door with tears blowing against the side of my face. I fumbled with my keys for a while until I found the key. I burst through the door full of anger. I walked through the kitchen hastily and was caught off guard by my dad.

" Who's the young man behind you?" Damn.

" My best friend."I grabbed his wrist and drug his body up the stairs.

" Why you ain't tell I'm yo' bae?"His eyebrows were slowly knitting together.

"Because," tears streamed down my face," I'm not sure you will be when I tell you what I did."

A/N : I know it's short, but MANEE' MAY BE IN JEOPARDY SO THINK ON DAT!

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