13. Answering His Demand

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" I..."

"Come on Janee'. Tell me you gonna stay with me," he pleaded.

" Keon, I can't promise you that," I told him turning my head.

" Baby why not?" He asked. His voice was soft. His hands were gradually slipping out of mine.

" Because Keon. I'm not one hundred percent sure we gon' end up together, " I declared.

" What you mean you not one hundred percent sure?" He snatched his hands of mine and shoved them in his pockets. We were still in the doorway.

" What I mean is what I said. I don't know if I want to stay with you," I told him.

" Why? Is it because of that bitch over there?" He pointed at Malak, who was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room.

" He's not a bitch and yes. I made a mistake. With you. I didn't realize it until now." I left Keon in the doorway and walked over to Malak. I intertwined our hands and walked back over to Keon.

" You opened my eyes, Ke. I thought I loved you and shit. I was blind, tho. Love wouldn't force you to say you'll stay with them. Love wouldn't kiss you after you said you had a bae. Love would keep condoms in their back pocket just because there were fine hoes all over Miami. If you loved me, you would have saved yourself for me. And yeah, you took my virginity. That was a big ass mistake. You got my ass this time, but I'm sure as fuck it won't happen again." By the time I was done, I was in tears. Keon's face was a burning red. Malak was standing next to me, holding my hand tight. He looked up at me with a glossy tint over his red eyes. I saw a single strand of tear trickle down his face. I pulled him into a full hug and cried into his chest.

" Baby I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I cried, my voice muffled.

" It's ok. We gon be aight." Malak sat his chin on top of my head. My arms were wrapped tightly around his torso. I pulled my head out of Malak's chest , and he wiped away my tears.

" Keon, I'm sorry, but you gotta get the hell out my house." Keon turned his back towards me before turning back around to punch me to the ground. I fell backwards and hit the floor hard as fuck. Before I knew it, Malak had jumped Keon and the two were on the porch. My vision was going blurry. All I could make out was one more body coming to the door and beating Keon, too. I felt Lexi sit me up and heard her tell Tre to call 911.

( In the hospital )

I woke up to a bright white room. The room was so damn white I had to squint my eyes to see. My head was throbbing. I tried to sit up, but a hand pressed my stomach and layed me back down. I looked to my left and saw Malak, Lexi, and Tre sitting in the chairs next to me.

" Baby, what happened?" I asked Malak holding onto his hand.

" Keon knocked you out. You was unconscious. For two days," he explained to me.

" Damn. I hate that bitch," I expressed trying to sit up again.

" Boo, you can't sit up. You need to lay down," Lexi informed me.

" Did y'all beat his ass?" I asked Tre and Malak laying back down in frustration.

" Hell yeah. If the neighbor didn't pull us off of him, we woulda killed his bitch ass," Malak said smiling at me.

" You should have." I said exhaling heavily.

" Hey, you want some food?" Tre asked me.

" The hell? Not from no hospital. Fuck I look like eating hospital food?" I said causing everybody to laugh.

" Well you gotta eat some. I'll get you some from McDonald's," Tre said.

"That's cool. Thank you," I responded to Tre. He got up, kissed my forehead, and walked out. Leaving me with Malak and Lexi.

" How long I gotta stay here?" I asked them.

" Not for long. The doc wanted me to tell him when you woke up."

" Well?" I asked.

"What?" He asked innocently.

" I'm up nigga! Tell the doc!" I exclaimed.

"Oh. You right. I'll be back," he got up, pecked my lips, and walked in the doorway.

" Lexi?"

" Wassup?" She replied.

" As much as I don't want to see him, I got to," I said looking at Malak's back in the doorway.

" What you mean?"

" We still got two classes together," I said.

" Look. He had all that money to move close to you. I'm sure he got enough to move back to Miami," she said causing me to laugh. The doctor walked in at the same time, and Malak followed her.

" Hey girl! How ya' feeling?" OH HELL NAWH! She one of them peppy ass doctors. I can't stand them type doctors.

"I'm good. My head just throbbing," I informed her.

" Well, the good news is you'll be out of here as soon as tomorrow," she told me. 

"Good. I hate being in a hospital..." I mumbled.

"Alright. We're just gonna run some tests, and if they come back positive, you can be out of here TODAY!" she exclaimed.

"Great. Thanks," I replied wincing at how high pitched she said "today".

She walked out of the room as soon as Tre walked in with my food.

" Thanks," I said grabbing the bag out of his hand.

"You didn't bring us no food?" Lexi asked.

" Did yo' whack ass ex knock you unconscious for two days?" He asked her sharply. 

"Damn Tre! I was just joking!" she exclaimed.

" I know. My fault. I didn't mean for shit to come out like that," he apologized and kissed her lips.

" Damn, I'm already in the hospital. Y'all want me to throw up ,too?" I shouted resulting in a laugh from everyone in the room.

I ate my Sausage and Egg McGriddle and drank my orange juice fast as hell. Can you blame tho? I hadn't eating in two days!

Dr. Simmons came back in with a thin stack of papers in a file folder.

" Ok Miss Smith. You're good to go. When you leave, just take this to the front desk," she said handing me the file folder labeled " Smith, Janee' F. "  I handed the file folder to Lexi.

"You have a good rest of the day," she said placing her hand on my wrist and leaving.

" I hope one of y'all brought me clothes," I said wishing and praying I didn't have to wear this hospital gown out.

" I got you covered, boo," Lexi stated placing my black duffel bag on the bed.

" Girl, you don't know how much I love you," I proclaimed air-kissing her. I got out the bed slowly with the help of Malak. I grabbed my bag and drug Lexi to the bathroom.

Once I got in the bathroom, I looked through my bag to see what Lexi got out my closet.  She brought me my short overalls, a yellow shirt, my black patched jacket, yellow sneakers, and tinted glasses (^^). Damn I love that girl. I dressed quickly and put my gown back in the room I was in.

We all walked out together. Tre holding Lexi's hand. Malak holding mine. And me holding my bag and file folder. I turned it into the front desk just like that happy bitch told me too. We pushed past the doors. Everyone was in one car. As we got closer to Malak's car, I saw a black figure leaning against a neighboring car.

This bitch always come running back after he do som' wrong.

A/N: I hope it's not who I think it is...

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