25. Stay With Me 'Cause You're All I Need

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" Baby you gon' be okay," I said pressing a towel on her wound.

" I..."

" No baby please. You'll be okay." Her eyes were glistening with tears.  I felt my eyes burning, and everything was blurry. My baby, the only person I would give myself up for, just got shot. The girl that's carrying my first child. The girl that I love.

She snapped my out of my thoughts by pressing my hand back on her stomach.

" Did you hear that?" she asked.

" What baby?"

" Lexi said...ambulance is almost...mhm...here."

" A'ight." She grabbed my other hand and clung to it.

" The baby?" Her tears were streaming down her face at the mention of our child.

" It's gon' be alright. We gon' alright." I bent down and placed my forehead on hers. She wrapped her arm around me, crying into my neck. Hearing my baby cry like this was killing me. Whoever did this finna' get it.

" THEY'RE HERE!" I sat up and looked at Janee' who's eyes were closed. I shed another tear and picked her up carrying her to the ambulance.

They pulled out the stretcher and tried to take her from me. I didn't want to let her go though.

" Sir? Please let her go," the female EMT said.

" No."

" Sir, can you please hand her to me?"

" Let me do it." She gave me a slight sincere yet sad look.

" Sir, can you please let me take her? I need to put her on the stretcher," she said trying to grab her body from me.

" GET THE FUCK OFF HER! I SAID I GOT IT!" I yelled at her with tears in my eyes. She was stunned and backed away. I pushed past the EMT and laid Janee' on the stretcher carefully. I looked at her and planted a kiss on her head. She smiled weakly and closed her eyes.

I backed up letting the EMTs do what they do. They bandaged her stomach and strapped her down. Once she was strapped down, they pushed her into the back of the truck.

I watched them push her into the truck with anger,sadness, and pity. I shouldn't have let her answer the door. It would've been me. I would be the one a stretcher with a gunshot in my stomach. She wouldn't have to worry about her unborn child being dead. The last thing she need is another person in her family to be missing.

" Sir?" I turned to my right and was met with the same EMT from earlier.

" What?"

" She can be accompanied by two guests." I nodded my head and jogged to Lexi who was wrapped in Tre's arms.

" Lexi, come on."

With her voice cracking she asked," where are we going?"

" The EMT said two people can come into the back." She leaned off of Tre and looked at me then back at him.

" You go. I'll follow y'all," Tre said kissing her. She smiled weakly and walked with me to the back of the truck. We hopped in quickly, and the driver drove off.

" Hey baby," I said smiling at her, my eyes still burning with anger.

" I'm scared." The only thing that did was make me angrier.

" Look, we gon' be okay. You, the baby, all of us." I grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it.

" Who is that?" 

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