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"Jimin!" Jungkook kneels down and grips my shoulder, looking at me worriedly.

The teacher rushes over and lays me on my back to help me breathe. I arch my head back and slowly I'm able to steady my breathing.

"Are you okay now?" The teacher asks.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." I nod, but I'm beyond ashamed.

I can't believe that had to happen right in front of Jungkook... How am I supposed to face him after this?

"I think you should sit out for the rest of class today." The teacher advises.

"I'll sit with him." Jungkook says and I look at him sadly.

He helps me up to my feet again and with my arm around his shoulder and his around my back he guides me to the stands and we sit down in the front row.

He doesn't seem to struggle at all to carry most of my weight with only one of his arms, and I wonder how he seems so strong.

"Are you really okay?" He frowns as he scans my face. "Shouldn't I take you to see the nurse?"

"Don't worry, this happens a lot." I say calmly. "It's because I have arrhythmia."

"What's that?" He tilts his head.

"More specifically I have bradycardia, it's when your heart beat is slower than normal." I explain.

"It makes it hard to exercise, and I often feel faint, or breathless, or dizzy, or my chest hurts..." I drift off.

"Is there nothing that can be done about it?" He queries.

"I have medication for it, but I don't take it." I sigh.

"Why not?"

"Because I hate it. I hate being the weird kid who has to take medication to seem normal." I mutter. "I just want to fit in with everyone else."

"Who cares about fitting in?" He leans back in his seat. "That shit's overrated anyway."

"Not to me." I mumble. "I don't want people to always look at me differently."

"I just want it to go away..." I sigh.

We both remain silent for a moment, watching everyone else playing.

"Well I don't think you're weird." Jungkook speaks up and I gulp awkwardly.

"And I don't think you should try to be like everyone else, that would take away your charm." He adds.

My... charm? He thinks I have charm? I bite my lip and try not to blush.

"Thankyou..." I mumble shyly.

I hear him laugh sweetly and he gives me an adorable eye smile that makes me melt.

Bite Me | JIKOOKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora