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"I know we haven't really talked much and we barely know each other, but I was thinking..." It sounds like one of the girls from my sports class; one of the girls who was hitting on Jungkook.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I remain standing there, listening carefully to the interesting conversation with my eyes narrowed.

"I kinda, uh, I like you," the girl stutters shyly, "and I was wondering if maybe we could go out or... something?"

I feel bad for her given how nervous she is, but I wait to see if I recognise the voice of the guy she must be talking to. I hope it's not...

"I don't know what to say..." I hear Jungkook reply and my heart sinks.

"Please say yes." The girl says clearly desperately.

"Well, I..." he drifts off quietly.

"I promise you'll have fun," she tries to convince him, and I feel my face turning hot with jealousy.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not really interested." He says.

"But if we just take the chance and get to know each other a bit better, I'm sure we could-"

"I'm gay, okay?" Jungkook suddenly interrupts her and she goes silent.

As if that isn't already enough to instantly make me feel better and more hopeful, he continues:

"And I already like someone. I'm sorry."

Those words have me screaming internally while the girl is apologising back profusely and excusing herself. I lowkey feel bad for her, but I also highkey feel ecstatic.

It might not be me, but what if it is? What if I'm the one he likes?

I don't have much time to fanboy as I hear footsteps approaching. I snap back to my senses and run into the toilets to do what I came here for.

I try to act natural when someone else walks in, but that becomes difficult when I look over and it's none other than Jungkook.

"Oh," he blinks at me when he recognises me but quickly shows a smile. "Hey mochi."

"Hey." I reply calmly.

He remains a couple of spaces away from me but keeps flashing me glances; maybe he thinks I heard his conversation?

"Hey, um," he starts awkwardly.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Did you hear anything outside?" He questions with a hint of worry.

"What, like, out in the hallway or something?" I ask and he nods. "Nope."


"I'm pretty sure I'm actually deaf, so no." I'm lying through my teeth.

I actually do have kinda crap hearing, but I'm lying about being too deaf to hear something just around the corner from me.

He obviously doesn't want me to have heard it, so I'll pretend I didn't to satisfy him. It clearly does the trick, because he nods and stops looking over at me, silent again.

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