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Wes's POV

"Keaton do you mind picking Adrienne up?" I yelled down the hall.

"Not at all!" he yelled back stepping out of his room keys in hand. "You're not coming?"

"Nah. She practically hates me man." I laughed.

"She only hates you because you were a dick to her." he said passing me.

Drew walked through the door and clapped a hand on my back. "Who hates you?" he asked.

"Our cousin Adrienne." I rolled my eyes. "I don't think you ever met her."

"So why're we talking about her?" Drew asked.

"Keaton invited her to spend he summer with us." I said glaring at my brother.

"She's not as bad as Wes makes her seem." Keaton rolled his eyes passing me again to get his shoes.

I shook my head and mouthed, "yes she is," to Drew.

"Well there's a party at my buddy Adam's tonight so if you get annoyed with her come by." Drew laughed. "I gotta go get some chips and stuff."

"Pick me up some red bull?" I asked handing him a ten.

He nodded and left out the door shortly followed by Keaton. This summer's gonna suck balls!

Adrienne's POV

It's been a few years since I saw my cousins, Wes and Keaton. They went on Xfactor an I haven't seen them since except when they come to visit for holidays sometimes. Before that we weren't super close, but we always got along. I was closer with Keaton than Wes, because I wasn't into partying and neither was Keats. Mom told me they had some time off this summer though, and they offered to let me come stay with them in California until school starts in the fall. I of course said yes, so here I am looking around LAX for my two favorite cousins.

I can't see anything dammit! I hopped up on a chair and looked around. I saw a familiar mop of sandy dark blonde hair and hopped down. "Keaton!!" I screamed rushing to hug him.

He hugged me back and started laughing. "Wow you look so different!" he said playing with my hair.

"Yeah I know, I'm not fat anymore." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut up, I meant your hair! It's so long!" he said looking at my long brown hair that dangled to my waist. I guess I did used to keep it in a short bob.

"Sure you did." I chuckled. "Where's Wes?"

"He uh, he's busy, but he's at the house." Keaton smiled. "Let's get your stuff."

After we retrieved my things Keaton drove me back to their apartment complex. It was gorgeous! He helped me carry my bags to their floor and unlocked the door handing me the bag he's been carrying.

"I'm gonna go get your last bag, but Wes is here, and your room is the last one down the hall on the left before the bathroom." Keaton smiled then trotted off down the steps.

I sighed and pushed open the door turning to heave my bags inside. when I stepped in the apartment though I collided with something very solid and slammed to the floor on my butt. "What the actual-" I cut off when I looked up and seen the most attractive guy I'd ever laid my eyes on. I mean of course I knew who Drew Chadwick was. He was in a band with my cousins and he's doing some solo stuff now, but I never imagined he'd actually be that attractive in person!

"Sorry, I was just leaving." Drew flashed me a smile. "I'm Drew by the way." he added helping me up.

Call me crazy, but I totally felt the love tingles when he touched my arm. "Adrienne." I said.

He let go of my arm and gave me one last nod before leaving out the door. I grabbed my bags regaining my composure and strolled into the large living space where Wes was sitting on his butt.

"Hi Wes." I smiled hoping he'd be a little more friendly than the last time I saw him.

"Adrienne?" he glanced me up and down. "Wow, you look, different."

"Not fat? Yeah I know." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "It's nice to see you too by the way." I added.

Keaton joined us and took my bags. He led me away from Wes's awkwardness and showed me my room. It was average with tan carpet and grey walls. the bed was a double and there was a decent sized closet. "This is great Keaton. Thanks again." I hugged him.

He hugged me back. "Wes thinks you hate him." Keaton sighed letting me go.

"I don't hate him!" I mean sure we didn't always get along the greatest, but I didn't hate him. "We just don't have a lot in common."

"Well if you want this summer to be less weird than that little homecoming I walked in on, then I suggest you find something in common." Keaton laughed.

"Okay I'll try." I smiled.

"Good! Now tell me all about senior year! I've missed you so much." he hopped on my bed making me giggle at his childlike actions. Good old Keaton!

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