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Drew's POV

Wes's plan was great. He came to look over the document I signed and though I couldn't preform with them or tell them what happened, no one said I can't tour with them and open up for them. Wes was asking the team about it today. I hope they go for it! While him and Keaton do that, it also means that Adrienne and I are alone today.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked bouncing on her bed.

She sleepily yawned and glared up at me. "Drew it's like nine I just wanna sleep." she whined.

"You're gonna waste the whole day!" I pouted as I fell onto my knees straddling her waist.

She giggled at my action and pulled the blankets up. "Can't we just watch tv?" she asked batting her eyelashes at me.

"Not a chance Adrienne. It's a beautiful day out." I smiled. "Plus I wanna flaunt my pretty girlfriend an see how many twitter rumors we can start." I wiggled my eyebrows.

She sighed. "Can I at least take a shower?"

"Can I join?" I joked.

"No!" she rolled her eyes.

"Why not?" I asked clearly teasing.

"Because Drew, if you take a shower with me I won't get anything done." she rolled her eyes again.

"If you keep rolling those big beautiful eyes they're gonna fall out." I whispered leaning down to kiss her.

She kissed me back more passionately than I expected and tangle her fingers in my hair. Her weight shifted under me and she slid out of my grasp to stand up. "I'm going to take my shower now." she smiled as she sauntered off.

Adrienne's POV

Drew had taken me to this street festival thing downtown. The roads were blocked off and there were a ton of hippies selling tyedye shirts. I bought some cool bracelets and Drew got us matching shirts. I was actually having a lot of fun.

"Oh Drew let's get our faces painted!" I pointed to the stand.

Drew chuckled and nodded pulling me along with him to the stand. He got a dolphin painted with some waves on his face. Then I got kitty whiskers. Drew took some pictures and posted them on his Instagram then we went to listen to the street performers.

"Hey babe?" Drew asked tugging my hand with his into his lap.

"Hmm?" I asked looking over at him.

"I uh, hmm, I really l-like you." he stammered all flustered.

My heart swam in my chest as I thought about how that didn't seem like what he wanted to say. "I really like you too." I playfully shoved his chest.

He smiled and stood up. He helped pull me to my feet. Once he did he pulled me close against his chest. His smile faded into a smirk and he lowered his lips onto mine. I couldn't help but kiss him back as butterflies filled my stomach.

I'd never felt like this in my life. Everything felt so right and wrong at the same time. When I was kissing Drew I felt like I could do anything I wanted instead of whatever I was supposed to. Kissing him made me feel empowered.

"Drew?" I panted as he pulled back to breathe.

"What?" he asked.

"There's people around." I giggled as I heard a random dude yell at us to get a room.

"My apartments just down the block." Drew pecked my lips again an grabbed me hand. "Let's go."

I followed him back to his car and suddenly down the block seemed like an eternity. I leaned over the middle compartment in the car and started making out with him again. Drew's tongue battled mine for dominance, winning of course. His hands tangled in my hair making me involuntarily moan into his mouth.

"I want you so bad." I groaned pulling away from him.

"Shit." he breathed out. "If you don't stop we're going to do it in the backseat."

I giggled and looked into his eyes batting mine innocently. "You say it like it's a bad thing."

He looked around where we were parked. It was a mostly empty partially dark ally. "Get in the back then." he said opening his door.

I got out an met him in the backseat. Our kisses got hotter and the windows quickly streamed over. I pulled my shirt off along with his an he just stared at me. "What?" I asked.

"You're beautiful." he smiled before kissing me again.

"Drew?" I pushed him back a little.

"What?" he asked.

"Um, is this going to hurt?" I bit my lip praying he didn't laugh or think I'm an idiot.

"Wait are you are virgin?" he asked with wide eyes. I just nodded my head. "Then we shouldn't do this in the car," he smiled. "because that wouldn't be very special now would it."

I was baffled. He put his shirt back on and handed me mine. What just happened! I was more than willing to have my first time in the back of the car. I put my shirt on an got in the front seat again with Drew. He looked over at me and took my hand in his as he started to drive. Is this even real life?

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