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Adrienne's POV

As I walked home alone I couldn't help but think how irrational I was being. So what Drew actually kissed me? I'd asked him to after all! So what I enjoyed it? He was an amazing person. But I start college at the end if summer and this would be nothing more than a fling. Ugh! Why couldn't I just leave it alone, I got too caught up in the moment.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt an arm go around my waist. I expected it to be Drew but when I turned around I frowned. "Arron let me go!" I demanded shoving him.

"Pretty boy isn't here to protect you this time babe." he whispered tightening his grip on me.

"Arron I'll give you the money okay. Here, I reached for my bag but realized I must have left it on the beach. "Shit I left my bag on the beach."

"I see you've developed a new vocabulary." Arron pointed out my cursing.

"I can get you the money tomorrow okay?" I asked. "Please just let me go."

He sighed releasing me. "I'll see you tomorrow, and I don't wanna find that loser around."

I looked down and my bare feet and nodded. "Alright Arron."

I looked up and he was gone. Taking this alley would cut my trip home in half but it looked kind of sketchy. Oh, what the hell. I strode down the dark alley and made it to the end with only a minimal case of cardiac arrest. Before I'd met Drew I never would've taken that alley. It looks like he is indeed changing me.

Drew's POV

I gathered Adrienne's things off the sand along with my shirt and shoes before heading to my car. Why would she ask me to kiss her then just run off? I shook my head and got in the car starting to drive over to Wes an Keaton's to talk to her.

I saw her being tugged to the opening of an alleyway by that loser Arron. I wanted to go punch his face in but she seemed okay and able to handle it. They talked and he left. Just as she was about I start walking again she looked down the alley. She squared her shoulders an walked straight down the alley.

I pulled into the lot at Wes and Keaton's apartment and put the car in park. I lugged Adrienne's things along with me and knocked on the door. I heard her moving around inside and unlock the door. She looked like she was surprised to see me.

"What's up?" she asked as if she hadn't dashed off after I kissed her.

"You left some stuff at the beach, and I'm not just talking about me." I joked holding out her things.

She smiled and took her bag from me. "You can come in Drew."

I walked passed her and sat on the couch. "So do you, um wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." she siged. "I don't even think I can explain it."

"Try me." I laughed.

She groaned and sat next to me. "Drew it's just that, Arron's been my only boyfriend, and he wasn't exactly the greatest. I don't know how to be a girlfriend to anyone, and I don't wanna just be a fling. I start college in less than a month and this just can't end well! I'm sorry I asked you to kiss me, I never should've done it."

That's not what I expected. "Adrienne, who said it's be just a fling?" I asked not denying I wanted to date her.

"Like I said I don't know how to be a good girlfriend." she sighed.

"We'll let me teach you how." I said taking her hand. "Be my girlfriend?"

"Then what happens when I go to college?" she asked looking at our hands.

"Then I'll have a girlfriend who's in college and I'll come visit." I said.

She smiled and looked up into my eyes. "Then yeah Drew I'd love to be your girlfriend."

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