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Adrienne's POV

There was a bold knock I know anywhere on the door soon after Drew left. My heart slammed in my chest as Wes said he'd get it. He opened the door and let someone in then called my name.

"Adrienne some dude says he's here to see you?" He rounded the corner with suspension in his eyes.

"Okay." I nodded looking at me feet as I went to meet Arron.

Arron hugged me and asked if we could talk. I knew he wanted the money. He's not fooling anyone with his nice guy act. I took the enveloped from my back pocket an handed it to him right in the entranceway.

"Take it an stay out of my life." I said confidently.

He stared at the envelope and then at me. "Adrienne I don't want to part on bad terms."

"Well that was a mistake you made a long time ago so please just leave." I sighed.

"You live here with three guys?" he asked changing he subject.

"No, I'm visiting for the summer." I rolled my eyes.

"Does daddy know about the blonde one?" he asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stammered calling his bluff about Drew.

"I saw you guys on the beach making out. You're together right?" he smiled.

"Arron you need to leave, that's none of your concern." I snapped shoving him out the door.

"See ya around babe." he chuckled as he left.

I slid down the door and pulled my knees up to rest my chin. I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach.

"Adrienne who was at the door?" Keats asked.

"Oh it was no one." I said softly hoping he'd drop it.

Of course he didn't though. "Who was it an what'd you give him?" he pushed as he slid down the door next to me.

"Keaton please-" he cut me off.

"No Adrienne tell me who it was!" he snapped.

"Fine!" I sighed. "That was Arron, he was an ex boyfriend. He needed some money so I gave it to him in agreement that he'd stay away from me." I explained.

"Why'd he need the money?" Keaton asked.

"He got in some legal trouble and needed money to cover court costs." I shrugged like it was no big deal.

"He sounds like an asshole. Why would you give him the money?" he asked.

"So he'd leave me alone alright!" I yelled making him jump. "Sorry Keaton."

"I think you should've just told me and Wes about this instead of giving him money. Even Drew would've scared him off." Keaton said.

"Keats you don't know Arron like I do." I shook my head. "It's just safer this way. Trust me okay?"

He sighed but nodded his head. "Okay Adrienne. I trust you."

Drew's POV

Adrienne came over around midnight. She knocked on the door and was holding two iced lattes. I let her in and she took a seat on the couch.

"Not that I mind, but why are you here?" I asked taking one of the cups from her.

She smiled. "I wanted to come see my boyfriend. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is." I sat next to her. "But why so late?"

"I didn't want Wes and Keaton asking questions so I waited until they went to sleep and took Wes's car." she giggled.

"You stole Wes's car! You're such a closet bad girl." I chuckled pulling her close. There was a question burning up inside me though and I had to ask. "So um, I saw Arron today when I left."

"Yeah, he won't be bothering me anymore." she sighed.

"So you paid him then?" I asked.

She nodded looking at her hands. "It was for the best Drew."

"Adrienne it's your money to do whatever you want with." I shrugged. "I wanna know something though?"

"What?" she asked.

"Arron and I talked and he made it seem like as soon as your dad finds out about me that you'll break up with me. Is that how this is going to happen?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Of course not!"

"I mean I know I'm not the best person to roam the planet but I'm not a complete asshole." I laughed.

"Drew I wouldn't dump you just because my dad asked me to." She said seriously. "He doesn't run my life."

I smiled hearing those words. "Then tomorrow I think you should tell him you don't want to go to college."

Adrienne's eyes widened and she shook her head. "I, um, Drew I don't know if I can."

"I just want you to be happy, and I'm not gonna make you call him. I just think you should consider it babe." I said.

She nodded her head then snuggled into my chest. "I like the sound if that?"

"Sound I what?" I laughed.

"You calling me babe." she said looking up into my eyes with a smile on her lips. This girl just doesn't know how gorgeous she really is.

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