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Adrienne's POV

I walked into my cousins apartment and tried to keep my steps quiet. Maybe they won't notice that I got home at noon the night after a big party. I know Wes would just love to make fun of me.

"Hey, trying to sneak in?" Wes laughed making me jump.

"Gosh Wes you scared me. I was just going to take a shower." I said pressing my hand to my heart to try and calm it down.

"Did you sleep well?" he chuckled.

Oh no, I bet he actually saw me and Drew. "Nothing happened." I groaned.

His laugh carried through the room. "Oh I know, Drew would never do anything to a good girl like you."

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

"Adrienne it's true. You're a boarder line saint." he said shrugging.

"Whatever Wesley. I'm going to take a shower." I rolled my eyes.

"Me and Keaton have to go to a meeting tomorrow so you'll be on your own, and today we're just going to the gym so we'll be back soon." he told me picking up keys.

"Fine, bye." I waved as I went to my room.

I found an outfit and went to take a shower. Once I was done I got dressed in plain jean shorts and a tank top with my high school name across the chest. I pulled my hair into a loose braid and went to my room. I decided to call my best friend and tell her about my adventurous trip so far. She'll get a kick out of it.

"Hello?" Mariah answered.

"Hey." I said happy to hear her voice.

"Ah! Adrienne how's Cali so far? Is your cousin still hot? Did you go to the beach yet?" she rattled off question after question.

"Easy Mariah!" I laughed. "Cali is gorgeous of course, and since when did you think Keaton was hot?"

"Not him, the other one!" she laughed with me.

"Ew Wes!" I groaned. "He's a jerk Mariah!"

"But he's so cute. One time he stayed with my brother and he got up in the morning and was walking around only in his boxers. Oh my gosh I about had a heat stroke." she squealed.

I pushed the image of Wes in his boxers out of my head. "Whatever, he looks the same I guess. Anyway, I did something bad." I started.

"You did something bad! No way! What'd you do?" she asked.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked.

"Swear! I've waited for this day since we met, now spill!" she said.

"Okay well we went to a party last night and I got drunk. Then the cops came and I got a ticket! Oh and I woke up this morning next to Drew Chadwick, but before you get weird, nothing happened." I shortened it.

"Wow you're almost all grown up." she sniffled. "So what happened this morning."

"Drew drove me home and told me he's going to break me outta my shell." I told her.

"HE WHAT!" she shouted making me jump.

"He just said he's gonna hang out with me and show me what I'm missing out on or something." I shrugged.

"HE LIKES YOU!" Mariah yelled.

"He does not!" I shook my head even though she couldn't see me.

"Does too! He slept with you last night and took you home today, and he said he's offering to spend all summer with you!" she argued.

"Mariah he's just flirty like that. It's just how he is." I sighed.

"Okay, we'll see." she chuckled. "I'm proud of you for getting into some trouble though." she said. "I gotta go. Mom wants me to wash the car."

I could practically hear her roll her eyes all the way here in California. "Okay bye Mariah." I laughed and hung up. There is no way Drew Chadwick likes me.

Wes's POV

"So you think they did it?" Keaton asked me.

"Pssshhh that girl is a virgin I'd bet a million bucks on it." I laughed as I lifted the weights up with Keaton spotting me.

"Why don't you try and be nice to her? She is family after all." he sighed.

"Well I don't see her putting in effort with me." I rolled my eyes.

Me and Keaton switched. "Dude she's seriously an awesome girl. I think you two would actually be good friends."

"Yeah well I also think a tiger would be a cool pet, but you don't see me buying one of those." I said.

"Wes that's not even the same thing!" Keaton argued.

"Fine I'll work on it!" I groaned. "Happy?"

"Ecstatic!" he said happily.

After we worked out we went home. I went to talk to Adrienne, as Keaton requested, but she was laying on her be fast asleep. I actually covered her with a blanket and smiled before I left the room. She must not have slept well last night. Wait, not like that, I just mean she was restless, yeah that sounds better!

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