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Drew's POV

Today I'm going to go to Wes and Keaton's to pick up Adrienne. The reason I want to help her get out of her shell is mostly so she can see life a little differently. I decided I'm going to bet small with this first day. I don't want to make her have a heart attack or anything.

Wes and Keaton have a meeting today so they won't be home. Not that I want to hide this from them, but I doubt Adrienne told them about our little deal, and I'm not really Wes's favorite person right now. I wonder what Adrienne wants me to do?

I went up to the door and knocked until she opened the door hesitantly. "Morning Drew. I thought maybe you'd just forget." she said letting me in.

"Nah, you aren't that lucky." I laughed. "You ready to go?"

"I think so, do I need money or anything?" she asked.

"Nope, I've got it." I smiled.

She nodded an walked out the door with me and closed the door behind her. We went to my car an she got in buckling her seat belt. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"Well I told you I'd pick something for you and you could pick something for me, so today I'm going to let you go first." I told her. "So you tell me, where are we going?"

"The closest book store." she smiled.

I nodded and put the car in gear. I headed toward the store and turned to look at Adrienne. She had her dark hair in a long ponytail and was rocking black aviator shades to match her black tank top and dark jean shorts. She didn't wear daisy dukes but they weren't like to her knees. She was really pretty but she didn't flaunt it.

"Drew we just passed a book store where are you going?" Adrienne asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh shit, my bad." I laughed flipping my blinker on to turn around.

Once we got inside the book store Adrienne walked right up to the counter and grabbed a copy of a book on the way. She turned to me and smiled. "The Help is the best book I've ever read so I want you to read it."

I nodded agreeing to her request. Since I saw the movie I've always kind of wanted to read this book anyway. "Have you read Perks of Being a Wallflower?" I asked.

She shook her head and I chuckled to myself. I handed the clerk a copy of that as well and paid. "Where too now?" Adrienne asked as she hopped in the car.

"The mall. We have an appointment at two." I said glancing at the clock.

Adrienne's POV

I was surprised Drew let me go first, and that he actually reads! Now I'm nervous though. We're in the mall walking to a hair solan and Drew's talking to the stylist. I never expected his first thing would be to get my hair done. Like that's so random!

"Okay miss, come sit down." the lady smiled.

After she was all finished she turned me to look in the mirror. my hair was still the same chestnut brown as my cousin Wes's, but I now had two choppy layers and both had bright pink tips. it didn't look bad, just different.

"How's it look?" the lady asked me.

"I like it." I smiled.

"Wow it looks awesome!" Drew said behind me as he played with the now pink ends of my hair. "How much?" he asked the woman.

He paid then we went back to his car. "I actually like it." I said looking in the mirror of his sun visor.

"It turned out pretty cool." he nodded in agreement.

"So um, what do I tell Wes and Keaton?" I asked him not sure he wanted me to tell them about our deal.

"Whatever you want to." he shrugged.

"Well I didn't know if it was okay to tell them about this." I said honestly.

Drew glanced over at me as he turned into Wes and Keaton's parking lot. "It's fine." He said looking like he wanted to say something else but didn't. "See you tomorrow."

I nodded and thanked him for paying for everything and then got out. Maybe this whole thing won't be so bad after all. I carried my book upstairs an let myself in only to be greeted with two very curious cousins.

"Where have you been?" Wes asked throwing his arms up. "I thought you just wandered off or something."

"I was with Drew. He took me to the book store." I shrugged.

"What's up with the hair?" Keaton asked.

"Do you like it?" I asked avoiding his question.

"It's pretty sweet." he nodded.

"Why did Drew take you?" Wes asked.

"Because he's a nice person okay? Now what's for dinner?" I asked sighing.

"I'll order pizza!" Keaton yelled making both Wes and I smile. Leave it to Keaton to end an argument.

Be A Little BadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora