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Wes's POV

How the fuck am I supposed to find my idiot cousin now? I found Keaton and we managed to talk our way out of tickets since neither of us drank yet. I told the cop some story about how we just showed up to get our cousin and couldn't find her. He bought it and let us go.

"Why would you leave Adrienne by herself man?" I asked Keaton.

"She's eighteen Wes. She's quite capable of making choices for herself." he said.

"Well when she goes to jail her dad will kill us!" I sighed. "This is all my fault. If I hadn't made her seem like a loser for not partying she never would've come to prove me wrong."

"Calm down Wes. We can find her." Keaton said. "You check upstairs and I'll check the back."

We split up and I went up the steps. I checked a few rooms then the bathroom. I saw plenty of people but none were Adrienne. the final room I checked, I shoved the door open and saw two people sleeping in the small bed. At first glance I didn't pay much attention, but then it registered that the guy was Drew and the girl was Adrienne.

Should I say something or just leave them? I mean at least I know she's okay and not in jail. I'll tell Keaton she's okay and ask what he thinks we should do! No that's stupid, I'm the older brother and I can make a damn choice myself.

"Drew." I said shaking him a little. "Drew wake up!"

"Hmm?" he tightened his grip on Adrienne.

"Dude what the hell is happening here!" I demanded.

He seemed to actually wake up at that. He removed his hands from my cousin and rolled to face me. "She didn't want to be by herself, and she was worried about you and Keaton. I stayed with her and I must've fallen asleep." he said sitting up on the bed.

"Did the cops get you guys?" I asked.

He nodded. "I got a verbal warning and Adrienne got a ticket. She's a real bad ass when she's drunk dude. I think you're wrong about her. She's a cool chick."

"Drew shut up." I shook my head. "You want us to take her home, or is she okay here?"

"Nah, I'll bring her home in the morning." he shook his head.

"Don't do anything stupid or I'll rip your arms off bro." I said giving him a warning look. Just because Adrienne and I weren't super close doesn't mean I don't give a shit about her.

"Wes she's fine and I won't do anything I swear." Drew said.

"I trust you." I nodded. "I'm gonna get Keats and head home."

"Okay. See ya tomorrow." he said snuggling back next to Adrienne. she's gonna flip tomorrow when she wakes up next to him.

Adrienne's POV

Ugh! My head is pounding and my mouth tastes terrible! Why would anyone enjoy drinking if this is what happens after? I rolled to my side and felt someone else in the bed. Shoot! What did I do?

I opened my eyes and saw Wes and Keaton's friend Drew. Well I didn't expect that! Should I wake him up? Well I don't know what's going on so I kind of have to I guess!

"Drew." I said softly. "Drew wake up please." I shook him and he opened his eyes.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" he mumbled putting his arm around me protectively.

"Um, why are you in my bed?" I asked shyly.

"Actually you're in mine." he smiled. God his morning voice is just as hot as the rest of him. "Really though you wanted me to stay with you after what happened with the cops so I did."

"Oh dang it! My dad will be so mad when he finds out." I sighed.

"Just don't tell him. Pay the ticket and he'll never know." Drew shrugged.

"Yeah but I'll know!" I said looking at him. "I can't lie to my parents."

"It's not lying Adrienne. It's just not telling them everything. It's truly a victimless crime." he smiled. "Now are we getting up or can I go back to sleep?" he asked.

"Did you ever find Wes and Keaton?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told Wes I'd bring you home later today." he mumbled already half asleep.

I nodded and laid there for a few minutes until I was sure he was back asleep. Then I wiggled my way down the bed and got up. I went to the bathroom at the end of the hall and looked at myself in the mirror. I look like Ke$ha after a long night minus the glitter. I wet a wash cloth and wiped off the make up from last night and sighed. This is as good as it gets I guess. I'm just so tired of being plain!

A little while later Drew woke up to me just sitting on the edge of the bed. I didn't want to wander around in someone's house since I didn't really know them, and I didn't have a ride home so here I am. He got up and told me to follow him to his car. Once we were inside he asked if I wanted to do anything before we headed home.

"No thank you." I shook my head buckling my seat belt.

"I bet you look really good with your hair down" he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Do you ever do anything bad at all?" he asked.

"Um, no." I shrugged. Even though sometimes I envy people who go out and just get wild I've never wanted to be like them. I'm just the good girl.

"Well I've decided on a proposition for you miss goody two shoes." he smiled. "Every day I'll pick something to break you out of that shell, and in return you can pick something for me? How about it, or are you scared?"

"What's in it for you?" I laughed.

"Jut helping show a pretty girl what she's missing out on before it's too late." he said.

I nodded taking it all in. He pulled up to Wes and Keaton's apartment and stopped. "I'm in." I smiled.

"See you tomorrow then." he laughed as I got out.

"Nothing too crazy right?" I asked nervously.

He laughed. "No promises sweetheart."

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