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Drew's POV

Adrienne deferred UCLA last week and she seemed super happy. I talked to Wes today and management wasn't happy but they are actually allowing us to tour together. The only thing is they set the tour dates, and we leave next week. I don't know how to tell Adrienne.

I was looking down at my phone thinking about all the ways I could call and break it to her. I could just call and say it, but I don't want her upset. As if she could sense it my phone lit up with her ringtone.

"Hey Adrienne." I said.

"Hi hun, I'm at the door holding Chinese and I can't find the stupid key. I knocked but you didn't answer." she babbled as I stood up and walked over to get the door. I honestly was so deep in thought I hadn't heard her knock. "Oh you are home." she smiled when I opened the door.

"Yeah I didn't hear you knock. I was thinking." I said honestly.

"Must've been some thought." she giggled. "What were you thinking about?"

"You as always baby." I kissed her forehead. "Here give me these." I took her Chinese bags and led her inside.

Adrienne's POV

Drew is acting so weird! He's lost in thought an keeps checking the time on his phone. it's driving me crazy actually. I sighed heavily and got up and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Drew asked.

"Well since it seems like you have something better to do I thought if leave so you can get to it." I said.

He grumbled and grabbed my hand pulling me with him back to the couch. "I need to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to take it." he said.

My first thought was that he'd cheated on me. Then I crossed my arms and waited for him to just say it out loud. "What is it Drew?"

"The boys cleared it with management and I'm going on your with them." He said.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you." I hugged him.

"We leave next week." he blurted it out fast like maybe if he said it quick it'd hurt less to hear.

I didn't know what to say. I mean I'd deferred college and stayed here, and now he's leaving for who knows how long. "How long?" I asked holding back tears. Like this is my life. I can never just be happy!

"Three months." he sighed.

"So what does this mean for us?" I asked softly.

"Listen babe, I'll get you tickets to every show and you can come to any city you want. We can skype and talk all night on the phone. It's going to work okay?" he said taking my hands.

I almost believed him, but something in my heart knew that wasn't how this would play out. "Drew maybe this is a sign." I sighed.

"Adrienne do you remember when you asked what would happen when you went to college?" he asked ignoring my comment.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I told you it wouldn't change us, and that I'd just have a girlfriend who was in college. I said I'd come visit you." he said. "Even though I knew it wasn't going to be easy I supported it. Well now it's your turn. I need you to support this Adrienne. I love you."

Tears slipped out of my eyes as he spoke. "I love you too." I sniffled.

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