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Drew's POV

I panted when I reached her. "Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry, it got way out of hand and I over reacted. I never meant to yell at you. Baby, I love you so much please please please don't leave me!"

"Drew maybe-" I cut her off.

"Screw it!" I sighed and slammed my mouth on hers. She kissed me back after a moment of hesitation. Her soft lips moved against mine melting any anger away from both of us completely. I wound my arms tightly around her waist pulling her flat against my chest. That's when she started giggling and pulled away.

"Drew?" she giggled out looking up at me.

"Yes my love?" I smiled.

"You don't have on anything but boxers and people are taking pictures." She laughed out loud.

I looked down as sure enough I was standing in my boxers. "Well when you're scared to lose the woman you love you'll bolt down infinite flights of stairs in your underwear to stop her from leaving." I said hugging her body back against me. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Drew, but I still need to go." she sighed tracing the tattoo on my chest with her index finger. I was about to argue when she kissed me softly once more and smiled. "But I'll move my things into your place when I get home."

"You don't have to do that if it's not what you want." I shook my head.

"But it is Drew. I love you and I want to live with you okay?" she smiled so big I felt like if won the lottery.

"Okay." I nodded hugging her tighter this time.

"Are we going to the airport or not?" the taxi driver asked.

Adrienne laughed and nodded. She kissed me one last time and got into her cab.

Adrienne's POV

I missed my flight! Ugh! I groaned and made my way to a quiet part of the airport and called Drew, but he didn't answer so I called Wes.

"What's up Adrienne?" he asked.

"I missed my flight and the woman said I can't get another one until Monday. That's three days Wes! I can't wait three days." I conplained.

"Just come on tour with us bro. No one will even care okay, and if they try and blame Drew I'll say it's my fault okay?" he suggested.

"Okay sounds fun as long as I won't get you guys in trouble." I agreed. "I'll get a cab back to the hotel, and Wes?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Don't tell Drew. I wanna surprise him." I smiled.

"Okay I won't." he laughed. "See ya soon."

Wes met me at the bus and cleared things over with the crew. Then he helped me load my bags on the bus and agreed hide me in Drew's bunk so I could surprise him. Little did I know it was going to be a bigger surprise than I could imagine.

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