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Drew's POV

I woke up in my apartment alone with a note next to me. It was from Adrienne saying she'd left to get home before the boys were up. I sighed and got up. Even after talking to her all night I know she's not going to tell her dad how she really feels. It's just how she is. The girl is so used to playing by the rules.

I went for a jog and came home to make some food. After I'd eaten I looked through my unread texts from Adrienne. She wanted to know when we were hanging out today and if we were still participating in our little arrangement. I told her yes we were and that her task today was to sneak out and meet me at Starbucks around four.

I don't really know what it is about Adrienne that makes her so special. Sure she's gorgeous and stuff, but she's not just a pretty face. She's smart but not in an obnoxious way, and she's just all around a good person. Actually she makes me feel good about myself too.

Around four I headed to Starbucks. When I got there I saw Adrienne's long pink tipped hair sitting in the corner with her back to me. I ordered and took the seat across from her. "How'd you sneak away?" I asked.

"I didn't sneak." she giggled. "I told them I was coming to see you."

"That's cheating!" I whined.

"It is not." she shook her head.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "So what are we doing today?"

"I need to go pay my ticket." she sighed. "Will you take me?"

I nodded my head. "Of course baby."

She smiled when I called her baby and her cheeks turned a light pink. "Thanks."

Adrienne's POV

I held Drew's hand tightly as we walked into the police station. I was scared I death that I'd get arrested or that they'd call my parents. I know it sounds dumb but I can't help it.

"Calm down." Drew chuckled. "You're like shaking."

"Well sorry. I'm a little scared. This was my first crime." I rolled my eyes.

"Drinking underage is barely a crime." he said.

I shook my head and talked to the receptionist at the desk. I handed her my ticket and she let me pay. Then she gave me documentation that I'd paid and told me I was all clear.

"Will this be on my record though?" I asked.

"Well if you get a background check it'll show up, but it's nothing extreme. It's not like it's a felony." she chuckled.

"Ok, thanks." I sighed.

Drew led us back to his car. When we got there I went to open my door but he closed it from behind me and turned me to face him. "What's wrong now? I can tell you're still stressed." he asked placing his hands on either side of me against the car.

"UCLA does background checks for boarding and I'm worried I'll get kicked out before I even get in. My dad will hate me and it'll just be bad." I said.

Drew shook his head. "You're the only person who cares so much about something she doesn't even really want."

I smiled. "Imagine how I'll act when I actually do want something."

His eyes trailed down to my lips and back up to my eyes. "We, uh should, head back. Ya know before Wes and Keaton freak out." He stammered out.

I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck. "For a bad boy you don't seem to pick up that I'm totally flirting with you."

"And for a good girl you don't seem to understand that I'm trying really hard to be a gentleman." he smiled leaning his forehead on mine.

"Hmm, maybe being around you makes me wanna be a little bad." I angled my head up so his lips brushed over mine.

He sighed and kissed me passionately against his car. I felt like I could explode from a combination of lack of oxygen and butterflies. His lips moved from mine to my neck. I felt his teeth graze my skin and I jumped making him chuckle as he bit me softly again.

"Dreeeew!" I moaned rolling my head back.

"Shit, stop that or your next ticket will be for public nudity." Drew smirked pulling back.

I giggled looking into his eyes. "I like you a lot Drew Chadwick."

"And I like you a lot Adrienne Stromberg." he smiled placing one more soft kiss against my lips before pushing off the sat and allowing me to get in.


A/N: Awwwe!! Where's my cute relationship dammit! Haha anyway I wanted to let you guys know I might not have wifi for the next four days or so since I'm going camping but I'll have loads of free time to write in the woods and I tried not to leave you on a cliffhanger... I'll post when I come home! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEATON!! 🎉🎊🎊🎉 lol Thanks for following and supporting my stories don't forget to vote and comment any thoughts you have :) I love feedback 😘

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