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Adrienne's POV

Wes's girlfriend was gorgeous, not that it was a shock since he always dated pretty girls. Her name was Madison and she was super nice. We exchanged numbers and she said we should hang out sometime. Once she left I sat down on the couch and picked up the Perks of Being a Wallflower book Drew had bought me. I was half way done and I wanted to finish it.

"You like it?" Wes asked sitting down next to me gesturing to the book.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Did you read it?"

"No but I saw the movie." he shrugged.

"The books really good." I said looking back at the words on the page.

"Um, what'd you think of Madison?" he asked trying to keep conversation alive.

I looked back at him an smiled. "She's really nice, and I liked her."

"Drew really likes you." he said randomly.

"Why is everyone saying that!" I shut my book. "Can't two people with common interests hang out without it being weird?"

"First, you guys have zero similar interests. Second, I said it because I can tell." Wes smiled.

"We have things in common, and you cannot tell!" I shoved his shoulder.

"He likes being with you because you make him happy. I haven't seen him look that happy in a long time Adrienne." Wes said sincerely. "And bullshit. What do you possibly have in common?"

"He recycles and cares about the environment, and he likes to read books that actually have meaning. Just lost of stuff okay!" I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you alway try to argue with me? You get along with everyone so fucking well, but you always yell at me!" he shouted.

I was about to yell back, but he was right. "I'm sorry." I sighed. " I honestly don't know why Wes, it's just easy to get mad at you I guess. You push my buttons."

"Well from now on let's try and get along. I know I'm an ass sometimes but il try harder if you do." he smiled.

"Okay." I agreed. "Can I read now?"

He laughed and stood up to leave. "Sure can."

Drew's POV

"How'd you like the book?" I asked Adrienne since she said she'd finished it last night.

"I loved it! It was twenty times better that the movie." she gushed on and on but I stopped listening to what she was saying, and started watching how her mouth was moving. This girl was so captivating and she barley realized it. "Drew! Are you paying attention?"

"Oh, sorry Adrienne. What?" I asked shaking my head.

"I-" she was cut off by a knock on the door. We were alone at Wes and Keaton's since they went to an interview today, so Adrienne shrugged and went to get the door.

She was gone a few minutes then she shuffled awkwardly back into the room with a boy who looked like he crawled outta Woodstock. He was had long greasy brown hair tucked under a SnapBack and had basketball shorts with a black wife beater on. "Who's this?" I asked.

She sighed and looked down. "This is Arron. My ex boyfriend."

Arron glared at me and shrugged sitting down across from me I. The arm chair. "So what brings you to Cali?" I asked him a little confused. I couldn't picture Adrienne dating anyone, much less this tool.

"Her." he pointed at Adrienne who looked defeated as she stood looking at her feet shifting her weight uncomfortably. "I came to talk to her."

"I don't want to hear it Arron." she mumbled softly.

"Shut the hell up. Just hear me out babe-" I cut him off.

"Dude just act decent okay? She doesn't wanna hear it." I shocked myself by saying it out loud.

Adrienne looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Arron please leave." she said more assertive.

"Oh you think this asshole can scare me off. Sorry honey but it takes more than a few tattoos to frighten me, and what's with this pink hair Adrienne? Id that nursing school Daddy's paying for gonna let you have that? Does Daddy even know?" Arron's eyes cut to me.

"Leave Arron!" Adrienne snapped at him.

He glared me down then stood up. "Fine I'll go, but I'll be back." with that he was gone.

Adrienne looked at me and started to say sorry bug I never let the words leave her mouth. "What was up with that?" I asked her.

"It's a long story." she sighed.

"Oh I've got the time. That's your task today. Tell me how you ever dated that!" I laughed. This should be a good one.


A/N: I started writing wesley imagines, so DM me requests if you want :) Thanks for reading an supporting guys you're amazing!

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