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A/N: Hey everyone! I've sorta incorporated Drew going solo into the story if you haven't picked that up haha, but these events are 100% fiction and not factual in any way. I'm just putting them in to have a good spin in my plot line. I just don't want anyone getting mad at me for it so yeah. As always thank you sooo much for the love and support guys. Don't forget to vote and comment <3

Drew's POV

Adrienne sat down and looked up at me with caring eyes. I was ready to tell her. She could tell the boys, hell I hope she tells them. Technically I'm not supposed to tell anyone but I don't care anymore.

"Okay I'm going to tell you something. You can either tell Wes and Keaton or not, it's up to you." I started.

She nodded. "Alright?"

"I didn't choose to leave them. I know Wes is super pissed at me for going solo, but management pulled me aside and said if I didn't leave Emblem3 that they'd shit can all of us. So I took one for the team and agreed the leave as long as they funded my new stuff. They agreed so here I am and told me that I couldn't tell anyone." I told her.

"Why would they want you out of the band?" she asked. She's no dummy, that's for sure.

"I might have been doing things that didn't exactly paint me in the best light." I admitted. "I was partying too hard an made some bad choices, and got caught. Management said it wasn't good for publicity since we have a younger following and that's when they gave me the choice."

"That's awful Drew. Is that even legal?" she asked. Not exactly the reaction I thought I'd get from miss goody goody.

"I had a lawyer look over my contract and it is indeed legal. I screwed myself over, but I didn't want to drag Wes and Keats down with me." I told her.

"I'm so sorry Drew!" she hugged me tight. "Am I allowed to tell Keaton or no?"

"Well I wasn't supposed to even tell you, but I'm not worried about it really. The fans almost all hate me for ditching out on them and being shady so my careers in the toilet." I admitted aloud for the first time.

"That's not true Drew! I've seen your fans defend you on twitter. You inspire so many people and they love you so don't act like that." she scolded. "I won't tell the boys until I can think of a better way than just blurting it out."

"Okay thanks. Oh, an you're right. I need to keep. Positive mental attitude." I said.

Adrienne's POV

After talking for awhile with Drew I went to sleep alone in his guest room. I woke up this morning with light streaming through the slightly open black curtains. I sat up and looked around. It was almost nine so I heaved my butt up and shuffled to the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into some yoga shorts and a grey nike tank top. Once I was done I pulled my hair up and went to see Drew in the kitchen.

"Morning!" I smiled. "Thanks again for letting me stay." I was going to say more but I was startled to see Wes sitting at the bar in Drew's kitchen. "Why are you here?"

"Adrienne, I came to apologize. I know I was a dick, and I feel bad. I was way out of line and I'm sorry." Wes told me.

I nodded. "It's fine wes I know you were just looking out for me, but I'm an adult okay?"

"Yeah I know." he nodded. "So are we good?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"When are you coming back then?" he asked.

I looked over at Drew and he smiled. He's such an amazing person to give up so much for the success of his friends. "I'll come back this afternoon, Drew and I have plans."

Wes clenched his teeth but faked a smiled and stood up. "See ya later then, and tonight I want you to meet my girlfriend so don't be late."

"I won't be." I said as he did a bro shake with Drew and headed out the door.

After he was gone Drew turned to me and smiled. "So what plans do we have Ms. Stromberg?"

"Well your task today is to teach me something." I smiled leaning on the counter.

He nodded his head ad took a sip of his protein shake. "Do you know how to play guitar?"

"No." I shook my head

"Well then let's get started." he hopped into the sitting room and picked up his guitar.

After he showed me a few cords I discovered I have zero musical talent and there's no hope. Then he took me down to the local animal shelter and we walked dogs. I'm not sure what that was suppose to teach me but I enjoined it. I love dogs.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled as Drew pulled up to Wes and Keaton's parking lot.

"Yeah, tomorrow's a big day." Drew teased. "See ya at two."

"Okay." I said. "Thanks again."

"Anytime Adrienne." Drew said softly as I closed the door.

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