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Drew's POV

Adrienne got to come on the bus with us after all. Thanks to Wes of course. Thats besides the point though. I'm just happy she isn't dead in a plane crash mostly. Wes brought Madison to a few more shows so Adrienne could hang with her but Madi had to go home for school. So I decide Adrienne wouldn't leave my sight.

I sent body guards with her if I wasn't with her. I had the drummer make a coffee run with her yesterday. I lose my mind if I don't know she's safe. I couldn't bare to let something happen to her under my watch. She's my everything and I love her.

"Wanna come workout with me?" I asked her as she laid down on the hotel bed.

"No. I'll get all sweaty." she sighed heavily. "Just go have fun with the boys."

"I don't wanna leave you alone baby." I said patting her leg as I laid next to her.

"Drew just go!" she groaned.

I laughed and rolled so I was over top of her looking down into her eyes. "Please come with me?"

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't wanna worry about you okay? I freak out when you're not with me and I worry about you constantly." I admitted.

"Okay. I'll come but only because that's adorable." she kissed my nose and got up to go change into work out clothes.

Adrienne's POV

I finished the tour alongside the boys. Drew never let me out of his sight, and if by rare some chance he did I was accompanied by two bodyguards. That's right one wasn't enough, he sent two!

We were home now though and I'd finally packed all my things up and migrated them to his house. I was picking up my last box from Wes and Keaton's today. I walked up to their door and used the key I still had to let myself in. Since it was early I figured they'd be asleep, but I was wrong. I spied a familiar head of Stromberg hair on the couch with a girl in his lap.

"Ignore me, just getting my last box." I covered my eyes and bumped the coffee table making Wes and Madison both laugh.

"Like you and Drew never make out." Madison giggled fixing Wes's hair for him as she slid off his lap to the cushion next to him.

"Not at seven in the morning. He's still sleeping." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't have to be up this early but Keaton woke me up to borrow my car. He's taking a "friend" to a job interview." Wes laughed.

"Why the quotes around "friend"?" I asked.

"Well she has been here four times this week and I suspect she wants more than friendship from our little Keaton." Wes wiggled his eyebrows making Madison and I laugh.

"Well well well, good for Keaton. Is she nice?" I asked.

"Judge or yourself at dinner tomorrow, bring Drew, what do ya think, seven?" Wes smiled.

"Sounds great." I agreed picking my box up from the kitchen table where I'd left it. "Bye Wes." I said. "Bye Madi!" I yelled to Madison. I was about to head out the door when Wes stopped me.

"Adrienne?" he asked.

"Yeah Wes?" I asked turning back around.

"I'm glad you came for the summer." he smiled.

"Me too!" I laughed and turned to leave again.

"Adrienne?" he said again.

"What Wesley?" I giggled turning again to face him.

"Be a good girl." he smiled.

"Never again!" I smiled back. "Those days are long gone."

"And I wouldn't want it any other way." Wes said. "See ya tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." I nodded in agreement.


A/N: That's the end everyone!! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my story! Also I have news!!!

🎉🎊🎊🎉🎉I got a job!! It's only 15hrs a week to start so I'll still be writing don't freak.💜 I love doing this so I will always make time for it!!

In fact my new Wes story is called Fallout and it will be up later today so add it to your library's or follow me for updates.

I love you all so very much😘

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