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Drew's POV

Adrienne was brushing her hair when I went into the bathroom to gel my hair. She smiled up at me making me smile back. The girl was my world, and I don't know how I got so lucky.

"I didn't hurt you right? I mean I tried to be slow, but if-" she put her finger to my lips shutting me up.

"Drew it was perfect. Just like you." she stood on her tip toes and kissed my nose.

"I love you so much Adrienne." I said.

"I love you too." She giggled. "Now let's go. We're late and everyone's going to know if we don't leave right now."

We arrived late and everyone was giving us looks. I shrugged it off but Adrienne looked embarrassed as Keaton teased her.

"You know, Drew blew Wes off this morning so I wonder what you two did with two whole hours to yourselves." Keaton said giving her a look.

"Shut up Keaterpan!" she smacked his arm as she blushed an adorable shade of red.

"Yeah I don't wanna know about their sex life." Wes rolled his eyes.

"Let's just do sound check, huh?" I laughed drawing attention away from Adrienne. The sound check went great and since we did most of our show together so it was just like old times.

Adrienne's POV

During the show I sat backstage with Madison and we took turns pointing out cute fan signs in the audience. Near the end of the show two security guys came and nudged us out onto the stage. Madison looked as clueless as me.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at Drew.

"Well everyone knows this is my girlfriend Madison," Wes smiled taking her hand and pulling her to him. "But I'll let Drew tell you about her." he gestured to me.

"Well this is Adrienne, and she's not only Wes and Keaton's cousin, she's my amazing girlfriend." Drew said as I blushed trying to look for a way to hide from all the attention I was getting.

"We just wanted to introduce the most important girls in our life to the other most important girls in out lives." Wes explained making the crowd awe.

"All we need now is a girl for baby Keats." Drew chuckled.

Madison and I stood off to the side while the boys sang their last song. Then we got shuffled off stage. Wes picked Madison up and spun her around making me smile since they're so cute.

"What I don't get a hug?" I asked Drew.

"I'm all sweaty." he said honestly.

"I bet you were this morning too." Keaton teased making me blush I'm sure.

"If anyone was sweaty this morning it was me! Since Drew ditched out I had to jog with Wes and I about died!" Madison said taking attention from me and giving me a smile.

After all was said an done we all went back to the hotel. It was late and everyone was tired. I was packing my bags to go home tomorrow and Drew snaked his arms around my waist.

"I wish you could come with me." He sighed.

"We both know management won't allow that." I said shoving clothes in the suitcase.

"I know but it's so hard being away from you." He told me.

I turned to face him and sighed. "It's just as hard for me Drew. I miss you every minute that you aren't with me. I sit by the phone and wait to hear your voice. I watch all you interviews over and over just to see you. It's not easy." I said feeling better once the words left my mouth.

He looked into my eyes and kissed me softly one time. "You deserve so much better."

"Shut up Chadwick!" I smacked his chest.

He pouted. "Sneak on the bus with us? I need you."

"Drew I can't do that!" The fact he even suggested it was insane.

"You can too!" A smile crept over his face. "You're my bad girl."

We both burst out laughing. "What if I get caught though?" I asked once I calmed down.

"Babe, didn't I ever tell you? Getting caught is half the fun." He smiled. "Now come to bed."

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