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Adrienne's POV

Keaton was sitting with me in my room telling about how Wes wants us to all go to dinner together one day this weekend. Ever since I told him I hung out with Drew he's been all big brother and it's ticking me off actually. I mean Wes never cared before, so why now?

"So do you like Drew?" Keaton asked me.

"I mean he's cool if that's what you mean?" I looked over at him.

"No I meant like do you like him like him?" he clarified.

"Keaton I've known him less than a week, so no I don't like like him." I laughed.

"Fine. Do you wanna go surfing with me and my friend Tyler tomorrow around eleven?" he asked changing the subject.

"Um, I can't." I glanced back down at my phone seeing the text from Drew saying he'd pick me up at noon.

"Why not?" Keaton smiled knowingly.

I sighed. "Drew and me are hanging out, and he's picking me up at noon."

"Adrienne has a boyfriend!Adrienne has a boyfriend!" Keaton chanted.

"It's not like that Keats!" I shushed him.

"Drew and Adrienne sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" he sang loudly.

"Keaton! I do not like him like that! We are just hanging out!" I yelled.

"Sure Adrienne." he snorted. "Whatever you say. I'll let you get some beauty sleep for your date."

I threw m y pillow at him as he left out the door. It is not a date!

Drew's POV

It was almost time to pick Adrienne up so I drove over and parked in the lot. I looked in the back seat to see that my plan for today was all there, and it was. I smiled to myself and went to get Adrienne. I knocked twice and Wes opened the door.

"What are you doing here man?" he asked closing the door quietly with us both on the outside. "I know I mess around but she's my family dude. She's been through a lot."

"I'm just hanging out with her bro." I said not completely lying.

"Well stop it. She doesn't need your drama in her life. She's about to go to college and finally be happy. So hang out today and then leave her alone." Wes said seriously. When did he get so damn protective?

"I swear Wes it's not like that." I started but he waved his hand cutting me off.

"Save it Drew. You almost ruined the band I'm not going to let you do the same to my family." he told me.

My heart quivered. If only I could tell him it wasn't my choice to leave him and Keaton to do stuff solo. "I've said sorry so many times Wesley! I don't know what you want from me." I snapped at him.

"I want my best friend to leave my cousin alone because she's fragile." he said simply.

I was about to respond when Adrienne stepped out of the apartment ready to go. "Come on Drew." she smiled leading me away from the awkward situation with Wes.

I made her hold a "Free Hugs" sign on the pier and she had me follow fans on twitter. I went from an even 73 to a 125. At least thirty people hugged Adrienne on the pier and she actually hugged the last half back so I think we made some progress. I don't know if I should keep this up though.

"Hey Adrienne, maybe we should skip tomorrow." I suggested. Maybe that'd give Wes time to calm down.

"Did Wes tell you to stay away from me?" She asked.

"Um, why would you say that?" I avoided answering her.

"Because you don't look like you want to skip." she shrugged. "If that's what you want though..."

I sighed. "I'm really not on Wes's good side right now."

"Why not?" she asked as I drove.

"Well he's not happy I decided to start on some solo stuff." I said trying to word things carefully so I wasn't lying. Maybe I can tell her the truth, but then she'd tell the boys. "I just wish I could tell him." I mumbled.

"Tell him what?" she asked.

I debated and decided not yet. "I can't say." I sighed. "Maybe I can tell you soon though. Just know some things just aren't always the way they seem."

"I'm sorry." she smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry about Wes though."

"So I'll pick you up tomorrow at sunset then?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded her head. "See ya then."

Once she was out of the car I pounded my head on the steering wheel. I just wish everyone know I didn't choose to leave my best friends. I never wanted to bail on them. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and headed home. Positive thoughts! I need positive thoughts!

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