Turning Heads ~ a janoskians fan fiction ~ chapter 17

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It was around 4 pm. I thought about what happened today and all the shit that I put everyone threw. I know the other boys won’t talk to me again but I needed to be there for the girl I loved.

I ran into Angel’s house without knocking. Her mum was supposed to be home but her car wasn’t in the drive way. I ran up stairs to her bedroom that smelt of kiwi and water lily. She wasn’t there. I felt worried; I hoped she didn’t do anything stupid like suicide.

I ran into her mum’s room and it was a pigsty. She wasn’t there either. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it away. I needed to be strong for Angel. I needed to stop being such a little bitch.

I ran into the kitchen and I found her underneath their dining table crying out every drop of liquid that was in her body. I pulled her out and she grabbed onto my neck and cried into my chest.

I lifted her up bridal style and carried her to her bed so we could talk. She cried for ages and ages. It felt bad to know that I’m the reason for all her tears the past couple days.

I lifted her head up so her beautiful blue eyes meet mine. I had to fight every erg in my body not to kiss her. I just wanted a quick solution, rather than an effective solution.

“Angel, don’t cry because of what I did! I’m not worth it! I’ll do anything for your trust again.” I said in a soft calm voice trying to reassure her that everything was fine.

“You – Have – All – My- Trust - It’s – Not – You – That – I’m – Cry – Ing – Over!” She hiccupped and sobbed. She was traumatised. If it wasn’t about what I said to her then what was it?

“Angel, what’s going on? You need to tell me!” I said holding her tightly. I released my grip on her and she pulled her phone out. She scrolled threw the messages she had until she reached a certain one and she cried harder and louder as she passed me the phone.

It was a message.


U seriously thought that U & UR mum could hide from me? I know where U live!

I was shocked! I held her tighter and tighter the more I thought about it.

“You know I’ll never let a soul touch a hair on your innocent body. I will never let you be hurt by anyone ever again for as long as I live! I promise! Who is it anyways?” I said rubbing my arm on her back and then making my hands way to her head and running my fingers threw her hair.

“My – Mums – Ex – Boy – Friend! She – Left – as – soon – as – I – showed – her – the – mes – sage!” She hiccupped with tears streaming down her face like a river.

How could someone want to hurt a beautiful sweet girl like her? If she ever does get hurt I will never live with myself.

“When was the last time you ate?” I said trying to go off topic. I needed to help her by entertaining her.

“Yesterday, I haven’t been hungry. I don’t deserve food.” She said while wiping her tears away but I could tell there was still more to come.

“Are you joking? Let’s go get some food inside you!” I yelled while we made our way to the door.


“Are you joking? Let’s go get some food inside you!” Skip yelled dragging me to the door. He opened the door and I went to take a step.

Before I could step on the footpath out the front of my house my leg retracted. I threw Skips hand off me and made several steps back to the stair case.

I sat down on the stairs and waited for a sign to tell me that if I stepped outside my house I wasn’t going to be killed. I sat there staring off into space until Skip started clapping his hands in front of my face which snapped me back into reality. I gave him a weak smile.

“Can we order some pizza or something? I’m not up to going anywhere.” I said keeping my weak smile on my face. I didn’t want him to find out that I was too scared to go outside my house.

“Yeh bub, whatever you want!” He said rubbing my back with one hand and his other hand on my knee. Whenever I’m around him he always makes me feel comfortable. He is such a great friend.

Skip ordered pizza while I went up stairs and put on some pyjamas (a tight black singlet and some grey and purple striped shorts). After I came down stairs Skip quickly ran across the street to get his clothes and anything he needed.

By the time her came back he had a bag of clothes, his wallet, his phone and phone charger and his laptop.

The pizza man arrived and I paid before Skip could even get the money out. I sorta owed him for all the stuff that he has done for me.

We ate the cheesy pizza and Skip got into his pyjamas ready for the movie we planned on watching, Grown Ups! A favourite of mine.

Skip came down stairs and I had already popped the DVD into the player, all we had to do was press play. I walked into the lounge room from the kitchen with 3 bags of pods I had hidden from my mum.

“Get your ass and those pods over here!” Skip sarcastically said gesturing his finger for me to come sit next to him. I ended up laying down with my head in his lap while we both ate pods.

Within about 20-30 we finished the pods and watching the movie in complete and utter silence. I thought to myself about all the shit that I have caused Daniel and wondered why he was still here, after all of this.

My thoughts were interrupted by Skips fingers running threw my hair and playing with it. I was starting to get sleepy. I don’t know why but ever since I can remember whenever someone plays with my hair I fall asleep, no matter where I am and where I am.

I felt my eyes close slowly, slowly until they were completely shut and I was sleeping right on Skips lap.


sorry, real quick chapter, i keep getting distracted while writing and this took me almost 24 hours to write :S hope you like it <3 xx

And also today i reached 2000+ reads on this story!! :D

just thanks to everyone for your support and love and comments <3 xx

i love all of yous from the bottom of my heart!! <3 xx

also check out the janoskians in faydee - forget the world music video!! BLODDY AMAZING! :D

Turning Heads ~ a janoskians fan fiction ~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin