iii. Fights

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(      iii.      Fight     )

WALKING INTO school Bella greeted me, blushing at the retreating figure of Yoongi who "had places to be" and by places he meant Jimins pants.

"Hey" she smiled hugging me lightly, startled I hugged her back loosely wrapping my arms around her waist. I wasn't used to people touching me, especially those not family. She pulled away, before beginning to walk towards my locker. "So, is Yoongi single? Jess wants to know" she said shyly, but the ending seemed rushed.

Grinning, I nodded unlocking my locker and opening it. The crush Bella had on Yoongi was very obvious, but I knew my cousin, and at the moment he doesn't want anybody but Jimin, a boy in his Spanish class, who he's most likely making out with somewhere. That I quote "has the cutest little hands" he has ever seen.

"Oh so, if she was to ask him out what would he say?" She asked, still looking at the ground. I closed my locker, patting Bella's arm lightly. "He's Bi" I said before walking away to art. At least when she sees Jimin and Yoongi she can't say I didn't warn her.

Newt greeted me at my art table, a large shit eating grin on his face.

"Look at that, you survived" he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder

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"Look at that, you survived" he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "That I did" I grinned, walking to around the table and sitting. Newt stood from his seat, leaning on the front of my desk. "So" he began, before Bella walked in placing her things down turning to me quickly. "You're lying."

Newt looked between us confused, "whose lying?." "Also, good morning to you to Ms. Swan." He pulled a stank face at her. I laughed nudging him, and taking my things out for the class. "Can I tell him." Bella asked hesitantly, I shrugged not really caring, casters weren't embarrassed for their preferences. Lust was a normal craving for us, and we weren't to judge just what caused that.

"You know her brother?" Newt nodded, "Jimin and I showed them around the first day." He nodded at me when saying them. A new light filled Bella's eyes, one of realization. "No way?" She said, it coming out more like a question. I chuckled nodding, "what!?" Newt finally budged in confused. "Yoongi is Bi." Bella stated, I could hear the defeat and slight touch of sadness in her voice. My heart went out for her, but no other happiness meant as much to me as Yoongis.

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