iii. First time

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(      iii.      First time       )

"JUST DROP me off in front of the  gate" I said, Edward eyes showed hesitation, but he nodded nonetheless. He stopped the car, climbing out and opening my door for me. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, yeah?" His statement more a question, searching my eyes for reassurance. He smiled at me and stood beside his car waiting for me to go inside. I grinned nodding and waved at him, slipping through the gate and heading to walk up our long driveway. "Nice tat!" He shouted, pointing at my hand.

I paused surprised glancing at the 99 on my hand, "oh uh, thank you." I said, waving once more and turning. I knew it was childish, and he meant no harm, but I still couldn't help the irritation building up.

I climbed up the porch steps, taking a deep breath I walked in and closed the door. "Macon? Yoongi?" I hollered, walking through the house. I sighed once more, still nobody answer. They're probably not home, I walked up the steps, walking into my room and sitting on my bed. I fell back with a thump and a groan, Edward was by far the only reason I was going to enjoy being in this small town.

What Macon didn't know wouldn't kill him, I deserved a little fun.

A knock at the front door startled me, I was mid hit and had began choking on smoke. "Just a minute!" I shouted amongst coughs, grabbing the water bottle by my bed and drinking it, rising from my bed in the process. I walked to the door, blunt still in hand unknowingly, and opened it. "Yes?" I said, opening the door.

The back of a bronze head, faced me, Edward,
he turned back and looked at me, glancing down at me. His eyes roamed my attire quickly before clearing his throat and snapping his eyes up to mine suddenly. "Maybe you should change?" He said, titling his head slightly and smirking at me, his eyes darkening slightly.

I glanced down at myself, before shrugging and grinning at him

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I glanced down at myself, before shrugging and grinning at him. "It's hot, what's up?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. "I wanted to make sure you got in safely." He said, concern lacing in his time. I hummed, blushing, "want to come in?" I asked after a short pause.

"I don't know if that would be a good idea with Yoongi and Macon not being home." He said hesitantly. I shrugged, "I don't care, come in." I grabbed his hand, ignoring the freezing temperature that came from it, maybe he had low iron. I closed the door behind us, heading up to my room. "Follow me." I said, jogging up the stairs.

Once entering my room I put the blunt out, climbing in my bed and sitting down. Patting the spot by me, grinning childishly. "Sit Cullen." He chuckled before sitting down, stiffly but he still sat so I didn't mind much.

"So not embarrassed to hangout with the weird Ravenwood, Edward?" I chuckled bitterly, propping my arm on my knee and resting my head down. "If you don't recall Ms. Duchanne I'm also weird" he chuckled, looking around my room. He pointed to my bowl, it being an elephant. "Where did you get that?" He asked, swiftly changing the subject. I smiled upon seeing what he was pointing at.

"Yoongi bought it for me while we were in New York. Do you smoke?" I asked, climbing off the bed walking to it and grabbing it. Seeing at least one hit left on it, I glanced at Edward waiting for his response. He shook his head, "I have never tried." I grinned, putting the bowl down and walking to my dresser. Opening the top drawer I took out a bag of weed, grabbing the mango flavored wrap laying next to it.  I sat at my desk, beginning to role it.

"What are you doing?" Edward asked, walking to stand by me. "I Athena Duchanne, am rolling you, Edward Cullen, your first blunt." I said, finishing rolling it and grabbing my lighter off my desk. I put to my lips, lighting it and taking a drag from it. I held it out to Edward, he shook his head. "I'd rather not slowly kill my lungs." He said, pushing my hand away. His eyes flashed with amusement I didn't understand.

I rolled my eyes and took another hit before blowing it in his face, "I view it like this, we all have one life to live. And I'd rather have fun while living it, rather than worrying about not ending it." Edward looked at me, before grabbing the blunt from my hands and inhaling the smoke. He held it in for a second before blowing it out. He passed it back to me, "happy?" I nodded grinning and brought to my own lips again inhaling.

"But did you actually inhale?" I asked jokingly, he laughed shoving me lightly.

Halfway into the blunt I put it away, do to Edwards "why do we tell dogs to speak if they can't?" He was a lightweight and I didn't need him even more high. "Athena?" Edward called, I glanced at him humming as a sign to tell him to continue. "Could you love a monster?" He asked seriously, I sat up quietly not knowing how to answer. "What do you mean?" I asked, turning towards him, it was most likely the weed.

"Could you love someone who was a monster in the eyes of others?" He asked blankly. I hesitated, what had made him ask such a question was beyond me. Edward was cryptic, he never gave away what he was thinking. In the short time I have known him I have gathered that, Edward Cullen was a closed book.

"Yes, because not all monsters do monstrous things." My answer was simple, and it was true. We all do things that may seem monstrous in other's eyes, but I like to think— or at least hope— that people have there pure reasons behind it.

Edward looked shocked before chuckling, "light the blunt again." I grinned nodding and doing as he asked. We were almost done when I heard the front door open, "Athena!" rang Macon's voice. I jumped up quickly at the call, Macon would kill me if he was Edward. I moved fast putting everything away and grabbing Edwards hand and dragging him to my window. "I'm sorry but you have to go out this way before Macon or Yoongi come up here."

He chuckled shaking his head, "just call me mission impossible then." I giggled before I shook my head, now was not the time to be a high mess. "Edward! Seriously"

"I'm going sheesh chill woman." He said throwing a leg over my windowsill, before he stopped and seemed to second guess himself. "I'll go, if you go out with me, on Friday."

"Edward.." I hesitated before giving in, "alright." He grinned happily before quickly climbing down.

I smiled to myself once he left, he was confusing me. He didn't help on helping me to figure what I truly wanted, he just made me crave for him, I shook my head, before quickly closing my curtains and running to meet Macon.


Do you think Edward can get high? Because I don't know if he does myself, but imma wing it

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