iii. Love me as is

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( iii Love me as is )

WE PULLED up to the gates in front of my driveway. Edward climbed out first, his shoes making a slight click sound as the touched the floor. He sped to my door and placed a hand on the door handle, and reached a hand in to help me out.

I clasped his hand in mine, holding onto it tightly as he helped me out. "Thank you Ms. Duchanne" He tugged me forward pressing his lips to mine, our lips molding together, before it stopped and Edward began pulling away too soon.

"For what?" I asked breathless, eyes still closed. "you put up with Macon, that's asking for a lot already." He chuckled shaking his head, "I put up with you, now that's asking for a lot."

I gasped shoving him lightly, his feet remained firmly planted on the ground. He smirked at me smugly, I opened my palms letting red mist trail out slowly. "You win!" He stepped back, placing his hands up for surrender. I chuckled nodding at him smugly, before walking closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Kiss me." I whispered staring into his eyes. He stared back, eyes firm and serious. I held his gaze, His eyes softened before he leaned forward placing his lips on mine, kissing me hungrily. I gasped kissing back just as passionately, tangling my fingers in his bronze hair.

His kiss sent electricity through my body, it spread from my toes, I could feel it pumping in my veins, all the way to the tips of my fingers. Edwards grasp around my waist became tighter as he pulled me closer, I whined slightly in pain. His grip loosened but his kiss remained the same.

Edward was a drug to me, a high I just simply couldn't get enough of. He stirred something in me, made me thirst for it, his every touch made my body ache. I needed him, the rush he gave me, it was so surreal, so serendipitous.  

He awoke something in me, a thirst for adventure, a rebellion. He gave me purpose, something to look forward to in my drawn out life. Everything was planned for me, a game of chess where each piece was waiting to be knocked down, Edward wasn't one of them. Edward wasn't planned, he was the piece of the puzzle we weren't expecting.

He had made his way into my heart, I could feel my heart beat harshly against my ribs, my chest ached at the though of losing this man in front of me. To a point where I found my eyes beginning to sting with tears. I found love in Edward, love that I didn't know could exist.

I pulled away slowly, my eyes still closed. I sighed, looking down. "Edward?" I called softly, he hummed placing his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. "I love you." It was a soft whispered that barley passed my lips, barely making its self known. But I knew he could hear me.

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