iii. Confrontation

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( iii. Confrontation )

"WHY WAS a Cullen here."

Macon's eyes were blazing with anger, his hands clenched at his sides. I didn't know what to do, nor did I know how Macon knew. Yoongi stood behind him, his palms spread at his sides, I could tell he was there incase anything escalated. It numbed me at the thought, throwing wood into the fire that burned in me, spreading like white hot pain. I was pissed.

"I don't know what your talking about." I stated simply, looking him in his eyes, test me. "BULLSHIT!"  He screamed, the light drizzle of rain picked up, turning into a down pour. I clinched my hands into fists at my side, "calm down." Macon glared at me. His eyes became slits, they turning a dark intimidating blue, like a roaring ocean. I didn't understand why Macon was so angry, nothing had happened we smoked and he left. I mean granted it was through the window but he left nonetheless. He was acting like a child who lost his toy, pathetic.

I wanted to now what it was like to have a friend that's wasn't family, I love yoongi but family is family. I wanted to build a connection and know how it felt to care someone that wasn't family, that wasn't forced to be around me because of were blood.

The ground began to shake, and Yoongi finally intervened. "Macon, calm down." He said, placing his hand on his shoulder. Macon's hands began to relax at his sides, before he took in a deep breath, his eyes shut tight.

"you are never to see him again." He stated simply walking away. I stood there, shocked for a moment before I registered what Macon said. "Macon that is unfair!" I shouted at his retreating figure. He was overreacting, I wasn't going to continue to be cooped up. He stopped in front of the door, his back to me, "no what's unfair is how much trouble this family has to go through for you."

Time seemed to stop for a minute, my heart began racing and my eyes began to burn. I opened my mouth expecting something to come out, maybe a witty comeback to hide the hurt that I was feeling. But all that entered my mind, was silence, I had nothing left to say.

Yoongi reached to grab me, only for me to dodge his hand as I ran up to my room. I slammed my door, locking it, before I fell into my bed. Tears began streaming down my face, sobs began racking through my body. I felt like a lost cub in the wild, helpless, and without guidance I would break. Tears stained my cheeks, making them begin to become red and irritated.

Lightning flashed outside, the rain hit my window with intent, pounding for attention. Miscellaneous things in my room began floating unsteadily, before they all began to violently shake. I was angry, I'm not what they say I am, I'm not some psycho witch. A ding from my phone snapped me out of my daze, everything falling back to the floor with a hard thump.

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