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07 ~ unexpected news

3rd Person

After the group transformed Malia back into a girl, Sheriff Stilinski took her back to her father's place, him being nearly shocked to death to see that his daughter was still alive after eight years.


Now it was the next morning, Scott arrived at school, hopping off his bike and he took off his helmet, noticing the twins arriving at the same time. "What are you guys doing here? Going back to school?" He asked but the twins shook their heads.

"We're here to ask you if we can join your pack?" Aiden asked. The three of them heard a scoff and when they turned their heads they saw Isaac and Stiles walking towards them. "That is a bad idea..." Stiles said.

"Yeah, they were the ones that were holding Derek down while Kali impaled Boyd on his claws." Isaac agreed. "If you let us join your pack we add strength, giving you more power." Ethan argued at Scott.

"My friends don't trust you guys and I don't either so that's a no." Scott said as him, Stiles, and Isaac headed into the school, leaving the twins outside. When the three entered the school, they were immediately greeted by laughing students and flying toilet paper.

Scott's eyes immediately went towards the Yukimura girl as she placed stuff inside his locker. "Why don't you ask her out already?" Scott's eyes widen as he stared at his friend. "What? What do you mean? I don't like her!"

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Oh come on. I see the way you look at her." Scott sneaked a quick glance at the girl before focusing back to his friend. "Me and Talia are working on things."

Stiles stepped in front of Scott, placing his hands on his friend's shoulders. "Scott, man you and Talia kissed, that's it. Ever since she moved to her Witch world you guys been slowly separating. You guys might need to move on." Stiles told him before walking away, heading to class.


School went by slowly, in Economics class Stiles and Scott played a prank on Coach Finstock which caused him to become angry with the class, resulting in the students to go into laughter.

Now the Sheriff's station and the FBI sealed off the school. Sheriff Stilinski informed his son and Lydia about the mysterious patient William Barrow who is suspected to bomb the school. He also informed them about the flies that came out of his stomach.

Allison then decides to search the bestiary about the flies while Stiles and Lydia go search for Scott.

In the school Scott was walking through the halls until he heard a familiar voice. He walked towards the voice to see Kira speaking to her father in his classroom. He leaned closely as he listened to their conversation. "Kira, how come you're not eating in the cafeteria with everyone else?"

The girl stared at her father as she sat at one of the student's desk. "I haven't made any friends yet, whenever I try to talk to someone I start rambling like an idiot." Her father smiled at his girl's statement. "Someone will show interest in you, you're beautiful. How could they not?"

Kira shook her head. "I don't want to date anyone, I definitely don't need a boyfriend. I just want to make friends." And for some odd reason Scott felt disappointed when she said that.

After leaving the classroom, Scott then ran into Stiles and Lydia who informed him about everything that is going on. Now him, Isaac and the twins were down at the basement of the school, planning on using scent to catch Barrow from the items Melissa gave them. While searching, Isaac spoke up. "I don't if I can trust the twins. How can you?"

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