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12 ~ the party

3rd Person

Talia was in her room, packing some of her clothes into a suitcase with her friend, Adrian standing a couple feet behind her. "Are you sure it is a good idea to head back to Beacon Hills?"

A smile formed on her face as she nodded her head. "It is the first good idea I had in a while so yes, I am going back." She said, finishing up her packing, zipping up the suitcase. With a wave of her hand the medium size suitcase turned into a size small enough to fit in the palm of her hand. She then placed the tiny object in her robe's pocket.

"Are you going to tell Scott about your pregnancy?" Adrian asked, making Talia snap her head in his direction. "Of course not." She told him, making her way towards the door but he blocked her path. "Why not? He deserves to know."

Talia stared at him with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Because how would it make him feel if I told him that I was pregnant with his child then tell that it died from being poisoned by the man I left him for. So if you don't have any more comments I suggest you head back to your post. I made you head warden and I can take it back if I want." She snapped at him.

Adrian looked a little taken back from his friend's outburst then rolled his eyes and bowed. "As you say your majesty." Just as he was about to walk out Talia grabbed his bicep, immediately feeling regret. "Adrian I'm sorry. I just been stressed out a lot lately and Scott is the only person that can calm me down."

He nodded his head in understanding. "Just be careful over there, alright?" She nodded her head. "Can you help my mom and grandma watch this place?" She asked and he smiled. "Of course." He answered before walking out of her room.

Talia took in a deep breath in and out before teleporting herself to the human or semi human world, more specifically on the front porch of the McCall house. She knocked on the door and after a couple minutes has passed no one has came to the door.

She looked at the driveway to see that Scott's bike wasn't here, meaning that he wasn't home. She then walked towards the middle of the road. She placed her hand on the ground as she whispered, "Scott McCall....." Then a glowing path leading to where the name that was spoken is located. The path could only be seen by the one who cast it.

She began to follow the path to where her magic was leading to, not knowing where the destination is.


Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski and Kira Yukimura arrived at Derek's loft, hearing the loud music through the large door. Scott slid open the door, the three teens' eyes immediately seeing a bunch of teenagers and and glowing lights and paint. They began to make their way to the crowd, Stiles discussing about mysterious key he had on his keychain. "I asked my dad if he put the key on my chain but he said he didn't and I know for sure this is not my key."

He was about speak again when a girl walked up to him, kissing his cheek, leaving a glowing lip-print on his cheek. The girl began to go back into the crowd with Stiles following behind her.

Kira began to get lost in the crowd but Scott grabbed her hand, keeping her close to him. He couldn't help but feel a sudden spark when they touched.


Talia arrived at end of the glowing path which led to the entrance of Derek's loft. She could hear music on the other side of the door, instantly thinking that it was a party. With a wave of her hand, a long white dress and a purple crystal necklace around her neck appeared on here. She then slid the door open, her eyes widening when she realized this wasn't the type of parties she have been to in her world.

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