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16 ~ torture & regret ( 2/2)

3rd Person

Scott held the bottle of potion in his hands.  "Are you sure this is going to work?" He asked the two witches nodded their heads.  "Since you marked her as your mate you guys will always have a bond between you two and when you drink the potion, you and only you can see the path that leads to where she is." Fiona explained.

Scott nodded his head and unscrewed the lid of the glass bottle and drank every drop of it. Once the potion was his system, pain shot through his brain. His eyes closed shut due to pain as he started to have visions. The visions showed a machine with wires attached to it, a metal table, and a dark room with a hooded figure standing in the center of it.

When his eyes opened up, he noticed a glowing blue path. He pointed at it with his index finger, "Do you guys see that?" Everyone looked at the ground, where he was pointing and they shook their heads. "Like my mother said, only you can see that." Julia reminded.

Ethan stuck his hand towards the door, "Lead the way..." Scott walked out of the clinic with the twins, Fiona, Julia, and Kira following behind him. The glowing path led them to the dark, quiet woods.


Talia screams filled the air as she felt electricity spreading through her body for the third time. "Your screams give me such happiness." Sapphire smiles as she turned the dial on the machine to six. She pressed the button again for the fourth time in the matter of twenty minutes, smiling as Talia's screams echoed in the room.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, causing Talia let out a painful chuckle. "Peachy...." Sapphire glared at the girl's sarcasm, slamming her hand on the button again, sending electricity into Talia's body.

"Do you have any words of regret before I kill you?" Sapphire asked, her hands having an orange aura glowing around them. Talia laughed at the older witch's words. "Of course I do..."

Sapphire walked to the table, her eyes staring at the weak, young witch that laid on it. "Care to share it with me then?"


The group walked through the woods, Scott leading them, following the glowing path. Everyone trailed behind until Kira ran ahead, walking next to Scott.

He looked at the young Kitsune who walked next to him, silence between them were awkward. "I'm sorry for calling you this late." He apologized but she shook her head. "It's okay, you needed help."

The awkward silence returned until Kira spoke up. "You still love her don't you?" He turned his head in her direction. "You wouldn't have marked her if you didn't."

Scott nodded his head. "Yeah I still do. I'm sorry if I led you on or anything. I knew the whole that I still loved her but finding out she is kidnapped made me realized that I can't live without her."

Kira smiled at him. "It's okay. I see the way you guys looked at each other at the black light party. You guys are meant to be together." Scott pulled her into a hug, not a romantic one, more like friendly one. "Thank you for understanding."

The two smiled at each other then continued down the path with the others behind him. Suddenly Scott collapsed on his knees, clenching his chest and groaning in pain. "Scott!" Kira yelled, worried about him.

"What's wrong?" Julia asked. The true alpha shook his head, trying to endure the pain. "It's Talia....the pain is getting worse. We have to hurry!" He then took off running with the others behind him.


Talia felt tears forming in her eyes as she thought about all harm and suffering she caused. "Go on...tell me." Sapphire said, sitting down in a chair that was next to the table.

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