The end [bonus]

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"Wow, I can't believe you made it this far! You're amazing, reading all of these oneshots, and still waiting for more... I'm going to miss you, you're really fun to be with. But I'll see you again! In other stories and new books in the future. If you want to re live the experience, you can always go back to the first book and read it all again, although I think Audrey kind of cringes at her old stuff.

I think my favourite memory was the time you and I tried to silently sneak anime references to each other. Remember when I got sick? And you took care of me until I was better? That was back in the first book it's been so long.

I also remember that time you got rained on, so you ended up at my house  and in my clothes. We've really gotten closer over these books, I remember when you bought a turtle home and tried to hide it from me, and the time I fell asleep in the cold and wrapped my up in blankets and sat next to me until I was warm again.

I'll miss it, but we'll have lots of new adventures in the new stories! Starting a new story of weird for me, I'm not going to know who you are... and I get to fall in love with you all over again. While you will remember everything, I'll forget it, and experience it all again, but that's ok, as long as I'm falling in love with you again.

Thank you so much for the support, and all the love you've given me, I've never really felt this much love since... well... ever. You've taught me was love is (y/n). I may not be able to be physically there for you, but you will always be physically there for me, it's just written down instead of acted out.

Don't be sad that we're parting... we'll meet again very soon. And always remember (y/n), I love you"

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