Ch. 8

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Chapter 8

A couple of days have passed and it's been exactly two weeks since James and I broke up, let alone spoke to each other. I told Yvette everything that happened and she's been concerned about me ever since. Every now and then, she'll text me wondering if I'm okay about the break-up.

I'd tell her I would be if she'd stop bringing it up. She also wanted to cut James' baby-maker off, but I convinced her not to. The days were moving by slowly, and they were becoming a bore.

It seemed like everything I did was a routine: wake up, go to school, chat with friends, come home, go to sleep. I decided to break out of that habit and do something different. I went to the small outdoor cafe' that I always passed on my way to school, it's called Nina's Cafe'. When I got there, it seemed like every student from school was there....except James, not that I was looking for him....or anything...just wondering.....

ANYWAY, the cafe was very portique. There were pictures of fruit and flowers all on the walls. As soon as you walk in, there's a counter to your right and a guy standing behind it. I recognized his sandy brown hair and tanned complexion as my Spanish class neighbor. He seemed surprised to see me, but it quickly changed to welcoming

"Hey Tracey. What can I get you?" he greeted with a smile.

"Hey...." I was embarassed because I had to look at his name tag, "William. Do you come here right after school?"

"Only on Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's. My mom owns the place, so she let me work here."

"Wow, that's nice of her. Um, can I have a blueberry muffin and some orange juice?"

"Of course," he punched it into the cash register. "That'll be $4.38." I fumbled through my purse until I found my green flowered wallet. I handed him a five dollar bill. Then he punched it into the cash register again before handing me the change. "Okay. Just have a seat and I'll be back," he smiled again before going into the backroom, mae the muffins as soon as you order.

I looked around and found a small empty table furthest outside near the gray half wall fence. As soon as I sat down, I recieved a text message from Yvette asking me where I was. She wasn't at home when I got there from school, so I wasn't there when she finally arrived. I texted back:

Just getting some back soon.

A few seconds later, William arrived with my order. "Here you go," he stated while sitting it down infront of me. I thanked him and took a bite out of the muffin. To my surprise, he didn't leave. Instead, he sat down in the seat closet to my right and began to speak. "Is the muffin good?" he asked sarcastically.

I looked at him, wondering why he was sitting here and talking to me when he was suppose to be working. "Aren't you gonna get in trouble if you're mom catches you out here socializing during work hours?" I asked playfully but seriously.

He chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "Naw, I get off in a little bit anyway, and besides, I'll just say that I'm going over the menu with you; works like a charm," he snapped his fingers to show how fast she'll believe him.

I laughed and nodded in agreement. "So, why are you here alone?" he questioned. It took me off guard and for a moment I didn't know what to say. What do you mean?

"What do you mean?" I repeated out loud.

He shrugged before answering. "I mean usually, when I see you, you're always with your friends. Why are you by yourself?"

"I just needed some alone time."

"And I guess I'm ruining that for you, huh?" he humored. I laughed in agreement.

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