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"You know buying her things isn't gonna make her like you right? She's not like most girls." Florence states as I walk out of my office to head home for the night.

"I'm not trying to make her like me. I just needed a date." I shrug. "Yes. Keep telling yourself that Mr. Dolan." She says in a sassy tone as if she knows everything.

I roll my eyes as I make my way to the elevator. Why would I try and make her fall for me? I don't even need to try.

The next night


This dress is starting to be too much. I'm starting to realize just how much skin it actually shows and it makes me nervous.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts once I hear a honk outside. That must be the driver Mr. Dolan told me about.

I smooth my dress down one more time and grab my clutch. I take a deep breath as I step out of my apartment and lock it behind me.

I see the driver standing outside the long limousine. I flash him a smile as he swings the door open for me.

When I slide in Mr. Dolan's already sat inside with his phone to his ear. Of course. The whole night will probably be like this.

The whole ride to wherever the hell we are going is silent. I just stare out he window and attempt to figure out where we're going.

Mr. Dolan hasn't even looked my way yet. He probably doesn't even know what I'm wearing.

Once we arrive I'm in awe. I've never seen such a large glamorous house. Mr. Dolan finally hangs up his phone and shoves it in his pocket.

The driver pulls up to the steps of the house and Mr. Dolan swings his door open and glances at me as if telling me to come out.

I slowly step out of the car as he looks me up and down. "You look absolutely ravishing." He grins. "Ravishing?" I ask with scrunched up eyebrows.

"What?" He ask with a slight chuckle. "I just didn't know people still used that word." I joke. He rolls his eyes as he holds his arms out. I hold onto his arm as we walk up to the house. Well mansion.

His bicep is large. Now I know my theory about him working out all the time is true.

As we step into the large house there's tons of people here and they all no doubt have a mass amount of money just like Mr. Dolan. I feel so out of place but I try and remain calm.

"Would you like a drink Mr. Dolan?" I ask as I spot the drinks across the rooms. He's quick to turn to me. "Call me Ethan." He says flatly. I just nod because I don't know why he's requested this all of a sudden. "I'll go get the drinks." He says quickly. Since when does he get drinks for me?

I stand far away from everyone as he disappears into the crowd. This is nuts. I can't believe people like him do this regularly.

"We saw you walk in with Ethan Dolan what's your name?" A girl my age ask. "Oh um my names Kendal. Kendal Monroe." I say holding out my hand. "Well I'm Kate and this is my best friend Matthew." She smiles as she shakes my hand. Matthew just flashes me a grin.

Soon Ethan comes back with the drinks. I flash him a smile that almost says "help me." He hands me my drink with his right hand while his left hand falls onto the small of my back which makes me shiver. "Let me do the talking." He whispers into my ear which causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

"How do you guys know each other?" Kate beams. "Oh she's a family friend." Ethan beams. Why can't he just tell them I'm his assistant?

His hand still sits on the small of my back as I sip at my white wine. I don't mind it being there. In fact I want it to stay there for the remainder of the night.

"So what's it like now being the richest man in the city at the age of only 22?" Kate ask as if it was a last ditch effort to keep the conversation going. "It's great. We'll talk to you guys later. There's tons of people I'm supposed to talk to tonight." I can tell he's lying. He just wants out of this situation.

He basically drags me away by my wrist. "God, they're annoying." He mutters under his breath which causes me to laugh. "What they are." He says now laughing along with me. "I agree." I say between giggles.

Our hands are still laced together once we reach a table. He pulls my chair out for me and I'm surprised. I never took him as the type to do things like that. I shake it off because it's probably just a show for all the people here.

We sit at the table as several people stare at us or walk up to Ethan and discuss business. Every once in a while someone will ask who I am and Ethan says the same thing every time. I'm just a friend.

"I think it's time to go." He says leaning in close to me so I can hear. Every time he gets close to me I get a bit excited. My knees feel weak and my heart jitters.

"We've only been here for an hour." I murmur. "That's long enough." He hisses. I immediately stand up due to his tone. I swear this dude is bipolar.

He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd. Of course people are staring. That's what people do when you're a nobody that showed up to the party with the richest man in the city.

As we step outside I'm overwhelmed by flashing cameras. Ethan's grip on my hand tightens as the people surround us. I keep my head down to keep myself from going blind.

We slide into the limousine quickly and Ethan's driver shuts the door harshly. "Wow. You deal with that all the time?" I ask with wide eyes. "Yep." Is all he says.

"Why the sudden change in moods?" I ask boldly. His head snaps towards me. "What do you mean?" He ask with his eyebrows scrunched together. God, he looked so hot when he did that.

"All of a sudden you hated the party and wanted to leave." I mutter. "I didn't like the way they were staring at you. All the guys were looking at you as if you were a piece of meat." He hisses.

Word count 1135


I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story so far. I'm really working hard on each and every chapter.

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