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I glance over at Kendal as the road flies underneath the fast moving car. She's so quiet as she stares out the window.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I take in her gentle face. She glances at me and lets out a soft sigh. "Nothing." She murmurs. I know that isn't true.

"Seriously. You can tell me." I say, pushing her to tell me. "I just didn't think any of this was really this big of a deal." She says as she readjust herself in her seat. We're both uncomfortable. We've been driving for a little over an hour now.

"Anything involving drugs is always a big deal." I sigh. This catches her attention. Her gaze is casted directly on the side of my face as I focus on the road. "What do you mean?" She ask. Of course she doesn't understand. She's so innocent. I wouldn't expect her to.

"With drugs comes bad people." I say, hoping that cleared everything up. "Why didn't you just pay the guy?" She murmurs. I understand why she's confused. I really should've just paid him regardless of the fact that I don't owe him anything. The money wouldn't even matter. I have plenty to give away.

"I can't let these people walk all over me Kendal." I sigh. "Especially if I don't owe him anything."

I can tell she's trying to wrap her brain around all of this. It's a lot and I know it. I myself am confused.

"I can't let these people think that they can do whatever they want to me. I need to make a statement I guess." I shrug as my grip on the wheel tightens.

"Who cares what they think?" She questions. Again a solid question. A smart girl like her always has good questions.

"I do." I mutter. "Why?" She ask as I take in her furrowed eyebrows. "If they think they can just walk all over me the more they'll bother you and I don't want that." I explain as simply as possible.

It's like she suddenly gets it now. She stays quiet and sits back in her seat. She even looks out the window and not at me.

My mind spins as I continue to drive. I take in all the signs as I pass them. The car's deadly silent but it's only because we're both so tired.

I reach for the radio to give myself some sort of noise. I'm scared I'll fall asleep without it. I don't want Kendal driving because she's worse off than me. On top of being tired she's shaken up.

As I begin to loosen up and enjoy the soft sounds of the music I look over to see Kendal fast asleep. She has her head rested up against the door as her legs are curled up in her seat.

The sight makes me smile. She looks so peaceful. Completely unbothered by everything around her.

It's almost looks like she's even wearing a small smile on her face. It's one of those things that instantly makes my heart flutter.

Her hair falls in front of her face slightly and it looks so soft.

I carefully take my right hand off the wheel and push a small strand out of her face. I push it behind her ear with as much ease as possible so I don't wake her.

She doesn't budge. Now I take in her whole face. Her skin looks soft as ever.

I smile to myself as I turn back to the road. The idea of being alone with her in a calm place is what pushes me to drive for 20 more miles.

I reach a point to where my eyelids become heavy. I can't keep myself awake and the smooth ride of the car is almost lulling me to sleep.

I have to stop. I don't want to but I have to. I'd much rather stop for the night than hurt Kendal and I on the way there just to save time.

I'm sure we'll be fine in a hotel by now. We're miles upon miles away from my home.

I see an exit with hotels plastered upon it. I make an effort to get myself off the interstate.

The hotel isn't near as extravagant as I'm used to but it's still better than what most would stay in.

I sigh as I pull into the parking lot. Kendal still doesn't wake up as I park. I decide not to bother her as I swing my door open. I step out of the car and the fresh air relaxes all my tense muscles.

I should probably call Grayson and tell him what's going on. I'm sure he's still up. He always tends to be up late, even if he has to work in the morning.

I fish into my pocket and pull out my phone. I only have 21% but I know the call will be quick.

I scroll through my contacts and click on his name. He better answer.

It only rings a couple of times before he answers. "What's up?" He ask quickly. "We just stopped at a hotel. I can't drive anymore." I sigh as I lean up against my car.

"Be careful bro." He warns. "Yeah I know. We're hours away by now. I just wanted to let you know." I mutter. I can't see him through the phone but something tells me he's nodding.

"Keep her safe Ethan." He says quietly. I've always thought he's had a thing for Kendal and this almost proves it to me. "I will." I say simply as I look through the window of the car to see She is still fast asleep.

I hang up the phone after muttering a 'bye' and shove it back into my front pocket. God, I hope this place still has rooms available.

I also don't want to wake up Kendal. I want her to feel that peaceful forever. I don't want to bother her anymore.

She deserves to be calm and collected. She deserves to be settled down and not running from a home she thought was safe.

Word count 1024
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been so busy with homework, studying for AP exams, and softball. But this book got to #1 and I honestly don't know how!!  Like I really don't. You guys are amazing. I would've never thought any of my books would be number one!! Thank you guys so much!

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