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"Are you really ready for all of this?" Racheal ask as the seamstress continues to make adjustments on my grand dress. I look down at my hands and then back up at all the mirrors that surround me.

"Yeah. I think so." I smile softly. "This is just so sudden." She sighs. I don't blame her for questioning everything. She is completely right. This is all such a rush.

"I know it is but I love him Racheal. I don't think I'll ever find someone else like him." I admit as I fiddle with my fingers some more. All Racheal does is let out a deep sigh.

"They always say you'll just know. If you know, you know." The seamstress pipes in. "If he's the one then you'll know. No one else can tell you different." She adds as she stands up straight and takes in her work.

Her words put a broad smile on my face because she's right. No one else knows how I feel about Ethan.

She takes me in through the mirror as both Rachel and I look at the dress. It fits me well and it's absolutely breath taking. It's a dress every young girl dreams of when she thinks of her wedding day.

"You look gorgeous sweetie." She smiles at me. It almost brings tears to my eyes because this is so unbelievable. I'm standing here in a beyond expensive wedding dress when I used to think I would never get married.

"It is beautiful." Racheal murmurs. I flash her a smile over my shoulder as I play with the soft material of the dress.

"May I ask who the lucky man is?" The seamstress blurts. "Umm Ethan Dolan." I say quickly. She probably wouldn't even know. She probably just asked to keep from having an awkward silence.

"The Ethan Dolan?" She ask with wide eyes. I just nod. "Wow. You're a lucky girl." She beams before she walks out of the room and leaves Racheal and I alone.

I let out a sigh as Racheal comes closer. "It's almost too good to be true isn't it." I chuckle. "That's exactly what I was thinking." She chuckles as she takes in every detail of the expensive dress.

"This really is great." She murmurs. I smile. "I'm so happy for you. I know how much he means to you." She smiles.

"The wedding is coming quick and I don't know what I'm gonna do." I mutter. This is the first time I've admitted I was scared. "So many people are gonna be there. There will be cameras and they'll be watching my every move." I ramble.

"It will all be fine." She says as she places her hand on my shoulder. "Look at this dress. People will love it." She adds in hopes of pumping some encouragement into me.

"What if something goes wrong?" I ask, barely above a whisper. She looks at me and our eyes meet. "Nothing bad will happen. It's just a wedding." She shrugs.

"It's just a wedding." I say as I repeat her quietly. If I get through it then I'll be off to enjoy a relaxing honey moon with Ethan. Just me and him.

Word count 538
This is all sorta building to the last chapter

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