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When we wake up in the morning Ethan's quick to go down stairs to start on breakfast. I follow him slowly due to how tired I am.

Once I get to the kitchen I find myself enjoying the sight a little too much. Ethan's sweats hang low on his waist as his bare back faces me.

"Shit." He murmurs after he looks in the fridge. "What is it?" I ask softly as I make my way to the island, leaning against it.

I can't help but wish that this was what my mornings were like all the time. I enjoy Ethan's company and I find myself happy when I'm around him.

I'm starting to catch feelings for him and I can't help it. I've told myself several times that this man isn't worth falling for but something about him just drives me insane.

"I'm out of milk." He groans. "Oh well." I shrug. He groans once again as he continues to cook.

While he's cooking I hear the front door open and slam close. My eyebrows scrunch together because it's early in the morning and I really didn't know who would come to see Ethan.

Grayson storms into the kitchen and my eyes widen at the fact that I'm only wearing Ethan's shirt and underwear. I'm quick to hide my bare legs behind the island.

All Grayson does is flash me a look but then he takes a double take. "I'm guessing this is why you weren't answering your phone." Grayson says with annoyance laced in his voice. I know he's referring to me and I almost feel bad because I know I'm distracting Ethan from things he has to do but today's his day off. It shouldn't matter this much.

"That and it happens to be my day off." Ethan snaps as he glances at his twin brother. Grayson lets out a big breath.

"Do you not care that we have a big business trip next week?" Grayson says throwing his hands up slightly. "I do care." Ethan shrugs.

"Really because you seem to be more focused on Kendal." Grayson snaps. Now I feel really bad. I don't even know how to fix this. I begin to think I should go home.

Ethan takes in my awkward state and stares back at his brother. "Don't drag her into this. It's not her fault." He says flatly.

My heart soars at the fact that he just stood up for me without hesitation. It's not that big of a deal but I find my feelings feeding off of it.

"I can go in the other room if you'd like. I know this stuff is important." I say to no one in particular. "Please." Grayson says quickly. I go to exit the kitchen but Ethan stops me. "No. She stays. She's my assistant and I plan on taking her with us anyway." Ethan says seriously.

I stand awkwardly fiddling with my fingers hoping that Grayson doesn't take in my half naked state. This is all too much.

"Taking her as your assistant or your little toy?" Grayson spits. "She's not a toy." Ethan hisses. "Oh if it's so serious, why haven't you told her about Alissa?" Grayson ask, cocking his head to the side.

My eyebrows scrunch together quickly until I realize who he's talking about. The girl in the picture. She finally has a name.

I don't dare say anything. This is all up to Ethan. I can't help but be curious though. "Who's Alissa?" I blurt. I have to know. Her picture has been haunting me ever since I found it.

"No one." Ethan shrugs. Such a lie. I find myself becoming angry due to his lie. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't considering he's not my boyfriend. If he doesn't want to tell me he doesn't have to but there's this voice in the back of my head that expects him to tell me everything.

"Doesn't seem like no one." I say with a slight shrug. Ethan shakes his head in frustration.

"I think I'm gonna go home." I say quickly. I have to leave this situation. I'm gonna get my feelings hurt even more if I stay.

I quickly make my way up to his room to change. I even text Racheal to come pick me up.

I slip my phone in my pocket as I head back down the stairs with my clothes all disheveled.

My heart drops a little more when Ethan doesn't keep me from leaving. I wanted him to stop me. Beg me to stay but he doesn't as I swing his front door open and step outside and wait for Racheal.


"Are you serious?" I ask my brother as my anger slowly builds up. "She was bound to find out." He says rolling his eyes. "Yes when I decided to tell her!" I say now raising my voice.

It was none of his business to come barging into my house and telling other people about my personal life. He shouldn't even be here.

"You weren't gonna tell her. You're gonna drop her within the next couple of days anyway." He argues. Once again he's assuming things based off of my past actions. "You don't know shit." I hiss as I walk out of the kitchen while making sure to nudge his shoulder on the way out.

He really doesn't know anything. He doesn't know that I find myself becoming attached to Kendal and he sure as hell doesn't know how I feel about her.

Now I know she's angry with me and it's all Gray's fault. Things were going so well and I was finally making progress with her. Not to mention she's a genuine person and I haven't met a girl like that since Alissa.

He doesn't understand that when I'm not with Kendal, I'm thinking about her. I'm thinking about her long silky hair and her big blue eyes and even her laugh that drives me crazy. All he thinks about is my past obsession with sex.

Word count 1009
It's currently 1:30am and I'm sooooo tired

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