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"Do you like Chinese?" Ethan ask as he digs in his dresser drawer. "Yes." I mumble as he pulls out a simple black t-shirt and hands it to me.

He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted me to stay. I can't wrap my head around any of this. I know he's just involved with me for sex so why would he have me stay?

"I'll go order some take out while you get dressed." He says quickly as he grabs his phone and leaves the room.

I let out a sigh as I drop the white towel and slip my underwear on. I also grab his shirt and slip it up over his head. His smell fills my nose and a small smile plays on my face.

I take a look in the mirror that sits right next to his dresser and push some of my damp hair behind my ear. My makeup ran down my eyes while we were in the shower and I try desperately to rub it off.

Once I feel like I don't look like a complete raccoon I head down stairs to find Ethan. His house could be easy to get lost in if you decided to wonder around. I stick to the easy stuff as I head towards the living room.

He's sat on the couch as he hangs his phone up and sets it on the coffee table. He hears me walk up and his head snaps towards me. "The food should be here in 20 minutes." He says quickly as I make my way around the couch and plop down a good foot away from him.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what he expects from me. I don't know if he wants to show affection or if he just wants strictly sex so I sit a good distance away from him to be safe.

He chuckles as he looks at me. "I don't bite." I still sit away from him because I wasn't quite sure if that was an invitation for me to move closer or not.

"Come here." He says lowly. My heart pounds as I move a bit closer. He's quick to grab my bare legs and sit them across his lap. The skin on skin contact warms my whole body as goosebumps litter my arms.

"You look cute in my clothes." He says simply. I look down at the shirt once more. I thought it was unflattering but whatever he says. "Maybe I should wear them more often." I joke.

He pulls me closer and I situate myself to where I'm straddling him. "Mmm maybe." He hums as our faces are only inches apart and my heat is only inches away from his member.

His hands fall to my ass but I don't mind. He gives it a light squeeze which causes me to move against his member slightly.

"You're so beautiful." He says quietly which makes my cheeks burn. "No really. I mean it." He says seriously which only heats my cheeks up even more.

The doorbell rings and Ethan's quick to lift me up off of his lap to go get the door. I know it's the food and my mouth waters while thinking about it. I'm starving.

He brings the bags full of food into the living room and sets them on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Do you think we can eat all of this?" I chuckle. "We can try." He smiles as he pulls out the chopsticks and hands me a pair.

"Do you want a soda to drink?" He ask quickly. "Yes please." I murmur.

That's the Ethan I find so cute. The one that does things for you because he knows you need it. I haven't seen that Ethan since the dinner party.

He knew I was so uncomfortable that night so he talked for me and got a drink for me. I wish that Ethan would make an appearance more often.

I smile at him as he sets our drinks down on the table and sits back down next to me. I watch his muscles flex as he pulls out he containers of food. He really is built and I find him hard not to drool over.

"You know if you'd rather have something else we could go back up to my room." He jokes as he catches me staring. My cheeks are a bright red as I look back at the food. He chuckles as he helps me grab the noodles because I don't have long enough arms.

"You know I don't really know much about you." I mutter as I begin to dig into my food. "Not very many people know anything about me." He says simply. I just nod. I just want to know more. I need to know more.

"Why did you start your business?" I ask, shoveling some noodles into my mouth. "I've always been interested in business and I really didn't want to got to Med school like my parents wanted me to." He shrugs. I find all of this stuff interesting. I'm hanging on every word that he says.

"Why did you decide to become my assistant?" He smirks. I chuckle. I debate on telling him the truth before I speak up. "I needed the money." I mumble as I keep my eyes locked on the noodles in my hand.

He watches me closely. I can tell he's thinking or he's waiting on me to say something. "I was gonna lose my apartment if I didn't get another job." I blurt. This peaks his curiosity as he stares at me even harder. I can feel his gaze burning holes in me.

I finally look up to meet his gaze and I feel so small. I really shouldn't have told him that. Now he thinks I'm some loser. Well, I am but I didn't need him thinking it even more than he already did.

For some reason I care about what Ethan thinks about me. I don't want him to see me as some nobody that barely gets by in life.

I need to stop. I can't catch feelings for this man. It'll only put me in an awful position because I know he'll never care for me.

He finally speaks up. "You know, if you ever need anything you can come to me." He says raising his eyebrows. I don't know if I should take this seriously. I don't plan on coming to him for anything. I don't want to bother him.

Word count 1100

This was basically a filler.

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