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I let out a low sigh as I climb out of the big car. I haven't been to this place in a while and there's so many memories flooding back.

I remember the one time Racheal and I came here after getting completely wasted at her ex boyfriend's house. Our drunken selfs always craved some greasy cheeseburgers.

The bell above my head lets out a low ding as I step in. The place is rather small so it doesn't take me long to spot her.

She sits with a light sweater and leggings on. Typical outfit for her. She looked just as laid back as she always did.

"Hey." I smile. She flashes me a bold smile as I slide into the seat across from her. "You look great." She pipes up. "So do you." I chuckle.

In a way this whole meeting is awkward but comfortable at the same time. It's awkward because we just fought but it's comfortable because she's always been the person I've turned to. She's like a safety blanket.

"Listen, I'm sorry." She blurts. "No no no. It's fine. I shouldn't have yelled at you." I ramble.

"I shouldn't have assumed that he was bad for you before you told me about him. I can tell you really like him and I felt awful for saying the stuff I did." She says as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I get it. He doesn't have the best history." I chuckle a little. "That's very true." She chuckles along with me as a waiter walks up and ask for our drinks. We tell him what we'd like and he's quick to disappear again.

"How is it?" She says with a small smile. "It's great. I really like him and I'm really happy." I say truthfully. "That's great." She smiles. This is the reaction I wanted the first time I told her about all of this.

The waiter comes back with our drinks and ask us if we're ready to order. Of course we are because we both order the same thing we always do when we come here. Cheeseburgers and fries.

"What's it like living in such a lavish house?" She ask with excitement set on her face. "It's interesting. You'll have to come over sometime. He has everything." I chuckle.

"How's your love life?" I ask with a slight chuckle. "I've been talking to this guy but I'm not sure about him." She shrugs. "Why not?" I ask now wanting to know every little detail about this guy.

"Do you ever get scared that once you fall in love with someone that they'll turn around and do something awful?" She ask as she locks eyes with me. "All the time." I say truthfully. I find myself always walking on eggshells with Ethan.

"With all the stuff that happened with my ex I'm just so scared to start a new relationship." She gushes. I totally get it. Her last boyfriend was a complete asshole. "Not every guy is like that Racheal." I mutter.

Our conversation is interrupted for a short minute by our food being placed in front of us.

"I guess you're right." She sighs as the waiter leaves. "Maybe you should give him a shot." I shrug. I mean I gave Ethan Dolan a shot how bad could this dude be?

Ethan has to be the most intimidating man in the city. If he can change then I'm sure this dude Racheal is mentioning isn't even half bad.

"Do you like him?" I blurt. Like I said, I want to hear absolutely everything. "Yeah. He's really nice. We text all the time but we've only been out once." It's insane that I'm just now hearing about all of this. Usually she tells me things as soon as they happen.

"I'm sorry that I haven't really been here for you." I sigh. "It's fine. You're busy with work and your own relationship." She shrugs. I've always loved how understanding she is. I admire it so much.

As we finish our food we reminisce all the times we've had in this restaurant and I laugh so hard my stomach hurts. I needed this. I needed time away from the stress of Ethan's past.

"I'll text you later." I say as we both stand from the table. "You better." She says sternly like she always used to. I chuckle as we both step out from the restaurant.

"Love you!" I shout to her as I swing the car door open. She waves at me and climbs into her car.

I let out a happy sigh as I climb into my own car. I can't wait to tell Ethan about all of this. I'm so happy that Racheal's back in my life and that she actually supports Ethan and I.

I pull out of the parking lot with the smile still sat on my face. The whole ride is filled with music and me singing along.

For some reason today's been great. Usually things never go my way.

I enter the gates that sit out of Ethan's long driveway and I drive up the driveway slowly. I'm so excited to tell him everything but I don't dare speed in this car. This car had to cost a fortune and I'd hate to ruin it.

I open the garage door with a press of a button and park the car as carefully as possible. I climb out of the car with the smile still on my face.

I swing the door open and step into the house. I don't see anyone but I hear tons of laughter. I shake my head as I make my way towards the noise. I figured he'd be having a great time. I just have to let him know I'm back.

I make my way to the living room and stop dead in my tracks. His friends form a circle around the elaborate glass coffee table as Ethan snorts a long line of stark white powder.

They all cheer for him once he steps back up straight but all I can do is stare at the situation in disappointment. I can't move. I'm frozen in place as I watch the man that I thought changed do something so stupid.

His eyes catch mine and I finally will myself to move. I turn around and run up the stairs to lock myself up in our room.

Word count 1073
I really need ideas for more stories to write after this one!!

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