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"Do you have any idea of where they'd be?" Grayson ask me as we lean against the counter. "I-i have no clue." I stammer.

I wish I knew exactly where she was so I could just run for her. I want to find her and tell her how sorry I actually am.

"Listen, we can figure this out." Grayson says, trying to calm me down as my face rest in my hands. "We took their port near our city not too long ago." He adds. I know he's trying to connect dots here but I have no clue how he's going to manage it.

"We have 5 out of his 6." I butt in. Ever since I stopped associating myself with him after seeing him do awful things, even kill people, Grayson and I have made it our mission to shut him down for good.

"Which ones left?" Grayson ask quickly. My eyes widen as I realize what he's thinking of. She's gotta be at their last and final port or hideout.

"If I'm not mistaking his last port is here in Colorado." I say running my hand through my hair. "Where at though?" Grayson says as he tries and gathers as much information as possible.

"There's a large mansion that has his name written all over it across town." I say remembering the building from when I passed it on the way here.

"Let's go get your girl." Grayson says quickly. I nod as we make our way to a back room in the house.

There we have a couple of guns hidden. We've always been the type to be ready to protect ourselves.

"Why do you think he took her?" Grayson ask as he loads his gun and switches the safety on. "He's convinced I owe him money." I murmur as I take my own gun.

"I have a plan." Grayson looks at me with a serious face. I nod to let him know I'm listening and I'm all ears. I'll do anything to get her back at this point.

"Our first stop is the bank." Grayson says seriously. I nod as I swallow hard. I know exactly where this is going.


The room's so quiet. I'm practically itching for any type of noise. It's driving me crazy. Not to mention it's hot. I'm sweating by just sitting here with my head against the wall.

As if on cue the door knob jiggles. That's the one noise I wouldn't mind not hearing. I know that means drake is about to make his presence known once again.

"Time to eat cupcake!" He cheers as he strolls in with a tray of food. I glance down at the uneaten food that already sits near my feet. I don't dare eat anything that he hands me. No one knows what this fucker put in it.

"Not hungry." I murmur. "I'm sorry what was that?" He says even though he heard me clearly. I send him a sharp stare.

"Listen, I know you're waiting on Prince Charming to feed you a five course meal but something tells me he won't be here for a while." He taunts. I don't dare say anything.

"Even if he does show up, there's no way he'll make it through my guys without handing over what I want." He says throwing his hands up slightly in complete confidence.

A part of me thinks he's right. I almost wonder if it's a good idea for him to come here. What if he gets hurt?

"Eat." He spits. I shake my head no. "I told you, I'm not hungry." I murmur. He lets out a dark chuckle.

"Whatever. Just remember I offered." He says shaking his head and turning to leave the room.

I need to know where I am. I need to know something rather than sitting here completely clueless.

"Wait!" I blurt. I don't know what came over me. He turns around with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What is it sweetheart?" He grins. "How long have you known Ethan?" I ask. He's shocked by my simple question.

"A long ass time. He used to be one of my most loyal dealers. Maybe even used to consider him my best friend." He begins. "What happened?" I asked now curious.

"He didn't like the way things were ran around here. He was convinced her could run a better business." That part almost makes me laugh because Ethan has done far better than this piece of shit man.

"He didn't have what it takes to be in this business anyway." He adds as I take in the key that's lazily hung on a nail in the wall. He sat it there thinking it'd be far away from my grasp.

"Yeah he is fairly weak." I say playing into his words. This shocks him for the second time today.

"I could tell you were a smart girl." He grins, taking a couple steps closer to me. "I try." I say matching his grin.

The metal chair still sits next to me as he approaches me even more. I become anxious as he gets close.

"Now what's a girl like you doing with Mr. Dolan?" He grins even more as he's inches away. Our faces are so close I can smell his breath that reeks of Tobacco. I'm half tempted to throw up right then and there.

"I'm not quite sure." I whisper. He smiles. "I can show you what it's like to be with a real man." He says as he sets his hands on my waist.

"Oh really?" I grin as I wrap my hands around his neck. He just hums.

As he leans in my knee comes up and clashes with his manhood hard. He hunches over and I take the opportunity to grab his head and knee him in the face. He groans as I pick up the slightly heavy metal chair and bring it down on the back of his head.

He hits the floor hard and sprawls out, not able to get up. I know he's seeing stars as I grab the key off the wall.

"So much for being a man." I mutter as I close the door and lock it.

Word count 1043
I've been extremely tired today for like no reason.

Anyway I posted the prologue to my next book just to give you guys an idea of what it's about :)

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