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I pace around the room as I run my hands through my hair. I'm shaking as I fish my sleek phone from my pocket.

My vision is blurred because of the light rim of tears that pools up on my eyes. I call the one person I knew I could turn to.

"Hey. Racheal." I mumble, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. I try to listen into what she says but I'm interrupted by a bang on the door.

"Kendal! Please open up!" Ethan pleas. I ignore him as I invest my full attention back into the phone, tears now staining my cheeks.

"You were right. Is there anyway you could pick me up?" I ask her as my voice cracks slightly. She must've heard it because she doesn't hesitate. "Send me your location." I nod even though she can't see me.

"I'll be there as soon as possible." She says quickly. "Thank you." I mutter before hanging up the phone.

I shove the phone back into my pocket as the loud knocks continue to flow through out the room. They don't bother me. I've blocked everything out at this point.

"Kendal! I can explain!" He shouts. What is there to explain? I saw exactly what he did. He did something he promised me he wouldn't do.

Shame on me for thinking a man like him would change for a no one like me.

I sniffle as I pick up a large duffel bag and unzip it. I toss it onto the king sized bed and turn towards the closet.

I grab whatever I see. I'm putting in necessities and filling up the bag to the brim. I need to leave. I don't need to be around this sort of stuff. I don't need to be around a man like this.

I zip up the bag and wipe my nose with my sleeve. "Jesus Christ." I murmur to myself. I know I've gotten myself into trouble. My hearts shattered at the fact that this man didn't change for me. I loved him. The sad part is, I think I still do.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I let out a sigh. She's here.

I swing my purse over my shoulder and grab the large bag. I know I have to face him as soon as I walk out. I know I'm not ready but I have to get through him to leave. 

I swing the door open and he's stood right in front of me. He's frantic and his eyes are dilated so much their practically black.

"Please Kendal. I can explain." He says quickly. I don't want to hear him explain so I move to walk past him but he stops me.

"Kendal. I love you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Please stay here so I can explain." He says in a jumble of words. "You're fucked up Ethan." I say referring to the drugs in his system.

"Have you been crying?" He ask, taking in my wet cheeks. I roll my eyes. I don't want to hear any of this.

"Stay here. Don't leave." He says practically begging me.

This time I manage to push past him. I carry the heavy bag all the way down the stairs with him close behind me.

The drugs in his system put him even more on edge than the situation calls for. He's all over the place.

"Where are you even gonna go?" He ask as he throws his hands up. "Racheals." I say flatly as I speed walk to the front door.

That's all I say to him as I step out into the fresh air. It almost feels amazing due to my tense muscles and my tight chest.

Of course he follows me out. I've had enough. If he cared this much then he should've took all of this into consideration when he did what he did.

Racheal hops out of her car and helps me with my bags. "Seriously. You don't have to go." He says once again as I toss my bag into Racheal's car.

"What's all going on?" Racheal whispers towards me. "I'll tell you once I'm far away from him." I say, glancing at him over my shoulder.

He gets the hint that I'm talking poorly of him and his shoulders droop. A part of me wants to hug him and tell him everything's okay but I know it's not okay. I'll never be able to be with him when he's like this. It's not good for me.

I quickly make my way to the passengers side and climb in. Racheals quick to start the car.

Ethan doesn't say anything else. He watches us pull out of his long drive like a lost puppy of some sorts.

"Are you okay?" Racheal ask once we hit the road. "No." I answer truthfully. I feel completely recked and confused. I don't even know if I'll have a job anymore because I know I can't be anywhere near him. If I see him I'm sure to run back to him and I can't do that. I need to stay away. I should've stayed away in the first place.

"I should've listened to you." I murmur as more tears threaten to fall from my eyes. She glances at me and then lets her gaze fall back onto the road.

"No. You gave it a shot because you thought he changed. None of this is your fault." She says trying to make me feel a little better.

In a way it kind of works. It reminds me that he was the one that ruined all of this. It's his fault that we can't work out. Not mine.

"You're welcome to stay with me for as long as you like." She blurts. I smile through my tears. "Thank you Racheal."

I don't know what I'd do without her. Thank god we patched things up.

My day was great and all of a sudden everything around me came crashing down. That's just my luck.

Word count 1012
Sorry I didn't update. I didn't mean to leave you guys hanging. I had prom so I didn't have time to write.

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