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"Alright let's get you home." Ethan says as he climbs into the car behind the wheel. A wave of comfort washes over me due to the fact that I'll be home with Ethan in just a little while.

Grayson sits behind me in the back seat as Ethan focuses on the road. I can't wait to sleep. I feel like I haven't slept in days. Well it's partially true.

As we pull into the driveway I can't help but wonder if Grayson is staying with us. "We're gonna go home home tomorrow." Ethan says, referring to his house. I just want things to go back to normal. Fuck all this shit.

I climb out of the car hesitantly. I'm almost scared to walk into this house due to how on edge this whole experience has left me.

Ethan swings the door open and Grayson and I walk in after him. The smell is familiar and it relaxes my shoulders immediately.

"Your lip." I say taking in the dried blood that sits on his face. "Yeah. You should see the other guy." He jokes. I roll my eyes and grab his wrist, leading him to the bathroom.

Grayson doesn't say a word. He kind of sits in the couch. He's probably just as drained as I am. This whole experience is just so foreign and scary.

I shut the door behind us as I grab a washcloth. Ethan's quick to sit on the edge of the sink as I dampen the fabric.

I begin to clean his face as I take in the bruises on his jaw and his busted lip. My heart warms at the thought that he came for me. He put himself in harms way for me and it for some reason makes me want to cry.

Ethan takes in my silence and is quick to react like always. "Are you okay?" He says, grabbing my wrist softly. He slowly moves my hand from his face so I can stop working and focus completely on the question he has thrown at me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say somewhat honestly. I'm not severely hurt but I feel scared. I don't think I'll ever get rid of that scared feeling.

"Kendal, I'm serious." Ethan says, raising his eyebrows as if he's trying to intimidate me.

"Really Ethan, I'm fine. I'm home now and that's all that matters." I say flashing him a soft smile.

He lets go of my wrist and I finish cleaning the dried blood off his face. I don't even think some of it is his if I'm being honest.

As I sit the washcloth down on the sink next to him it's his turn to take in my beyond dirty face. "Did he hit you?" He ask as his hand traces over the tender skin on my cheek.

"It was just a slap." I say, trying not to get him all worked up. It's time to move past this. I don't want him screaming and hollering about something a dead man did.

"I'm really sorry." Is all that comes out of his mouth. I know he means it and in a way it's enough because I never thought any of this was his fault.

"It's okay. None of this was your fault Ethan." I say trying to get him to calm down. I know he blames himself and that he will never forgive himself for it.

"I shouldn't have left you here." He says shaking his head as his warm calloused hand falls back into his lap. "You just went to the store. There was no way you could have known something like this was going to happen." I murmur.

He knows I'm right. He takes a deep breath and looks off to the side for a minute before he reconnects our gazes.

"I think we both need a shower." He blurts. I chuckle slightly due to the sudden conversational shift.

"I'm too tired to stand for such a long time." I say, chuckling some more. "Then a bath." He smirks. "Why not." I sigh.

He jumps off the sink and makes his way to the big tub. He starts the water as I push my hair behind my ear.

He's almost like a mad man as he grabs towels and everything he thinks we might need.

"What's that?" I ask pointing to a bottle I didn't quite recognize as shampoo or conditioner. "Bubbles." He grins. I roll my eyes as I lift my shirt up over my head.

I may not be comfortable around many people but I will always be comfortable around Ethan. He's never made me feel out of place. In a way I always feel at ease in the best way possible.

Ethan gets the bath to where the bubbles are practically spewing over the edges before we step in.

As soon as I step in I smile. It's already so relaxing. 

We both sit down and I can't help but take in his sharp feature. The features I always thought as so intimidating proved me right as he yelled and screamed and fought today. He was stone cold. The thing that amazes me the most is he looks almost as soft as silk as I sit with him in the warm water.

"Are you gonna go back to work?" I blurt as I play with the bubbles subconsciously. "Yeah. Everything should be back to normal." He shrugs.

I don't know what to say. "You don't have to go if you don't want." He says quickly. "No no no. I do. I miss Florence." I joke. He can't help but laugh.

"I love you." He says softly as I move closer to him. I'm practically sitting on his lap and neither of us care. We love the close proximity. We love the skin on skin contact.

We don't need to make it into a sexual advancement. In a way we both feel like this is enough. Being this close is all I want. His skin against mine gives me goosebumps.

"What would you say if I asked you to marry me?" He ask barely above a whisper. The question shocks me and I can practically feel my heart beat out of my chest.

"Yes." I manage to get out.

Word count 1051
This chapters kind of boring. I'm sorry.

You guys should leave me requests for imagines because I never update that book due to the lack of ideas I have for it.

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