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I wake up in the morning only slightly confused. Ethan's arm is draped over me lazily as he remains sleeping. Neither of us have clothes on.

I glance at the clock to see its 9:30am. I immediately start to shake Ethan because I know how important work is to him. He also never wants me to be late.

He lets out a groan as he rolls over and rubs the sleep away from his eyes. "It's 9:30." I say quickly. "Damn." Is all he says as he slowly sits up. I on the other hand shoot up out of his expensive bed with his sheet pressed against my chest as I look for my clothes that are thrown all over the place.

Ethan let's out a chuckle as he watches me struggle. He seems so calm about being late and I always thought he was a very punctual person. I guess if you have your own business with your twin brother it doesn't matter what time you show up.

"Hey. Why don't you not worry about work today." Ethan says as he begins to button up a prestige dress shirt. "What?" I ask shocked.

"I'm sure Florence can take care of things today. You can stay here and relax." He shrugs. "No it's fine. I can work." I say even though there's a dull pain between my legs.

"I'm sure you could but I'm telling you to stay here and relax. I'll even have Rita make you breakfast." He smiles as if that's gonna sway me. It honestly did. "How long will you be gone?" I ask because of how uncomfortable I truly am with staying in his house all by myself.

"I'll be back by 2 how's that sound?" He smiles. "Okay." I murmur.

"I should go. Grayson's probably wondering where I am." He says quickly as he shrugs his suit jacket on as I keep the sheet clutched to my chest.

"I'll see you later." I say questionably. "You'll definitely see me later princess." He smirks as he walks out of his room.

I let out a big sigh as I look around. My eyes fall on the bathroom and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I took a shower.

I drop the sheet and make my way to the bathroom. It takes me a minute to figure out the large shower but I finally figure it out.

As I wait on the water to warm up I take my appearance in through the mirror. My hairs a mess. There's not just one hickey this time but several.

Maybe that's why he didn't want me to go to work. I can't help but stare at them in awe. They're such a dark shade of purple and I know they'll stay. A part of me wonders why he did it.

Steam starts to build up in the room and I finally step into the shower. It's hot. It gives me a slight burning feeling just the way I like it.

I tilt my head back and let it completely drench my hair as I take in the fact that I'm showering in my bosses house after I had the best sex I've ever had.

I let out a sigh as I spot the shampoo and conditioner perched on the shelf. I help myself to it. I'm sure he won't mind at all. Hell he left me here alone with just his maids.

I also help myself to the body wash and I can get used to this. This large shower is phenomenal.

I don't want to get out because the hot water feels so good but I know breakfast is probably waiting on me. I turn the water off with a sigh.

The towels sat on a shelf in the bathroom and I grab two. One to wrap around my body and one to wrap around my hair.

I look way more refreshed. I feel more refreshed. I probably just felt so dirty earlier because I had sex with my boss last night.

I step out of the bathroom as I realize I need something to wear. My mind instantly falls on to Ethan's wardrobe. I'll just borrow one shirt. That's it.

I open a drawer from his dresser to see plenty of button up shirts folded perfectly. They're all light colored but I'm gonna need a dark one so my thong doesn't stick out for all the maids to see.

I dig deep into the dresser until I finally land on a dark navy blue. I smile at how good it smells. It smells just like him.

Before I close the drawer something reflects light right into my eye. My eyebrows furrow together as I begin to pick it up.

It's a picture of Ethan. Ethan with some girl. They look happy and the sight of it actually makes my heart drop to my stomach.

A part of me wishes I was the girl making him happy. And then another part of me wonders if this is actually his girlfriend. Surely not. I've never seen her. You'd think I'd see her in the tabloids with him or something.

I'm quick to put it back and put the shirts back on top of it. I really shouldn't have done that.

I slip his shirt on and dry my hair the best I can with the towel and sit the towels in the hamper. I wonder what's for breakfast.

As I make my way down to the kitchen, I was right. Breakfast is already ready. "Good morning Ms. Monroe." A lady I'm guessing is Rita smiles.

"Good morning." I beam as I sit at the island. For such an intimidating man he sure has nice help.


"Why are you so late? Where's Kendal?" Grayson instantly bombards me with questions. "I woke up late and Kendal wasn't feeling too well." I shrug. He doesn't need to know everything about my personal life and I don't plan on telling him.

"Please don't tell me she was at your house last night." Grayson sighs. "Why would you care?" I ask defensively. The fact that he's so focused on Kendal actually pisses me off. He doesn't need to know where she is.

"Remember what happened with Alissa?" He ask lifting one of his eyebrows. "That was a year ago." I sigh.

"Kendal is actually good here and she's different. I wouldn't want a girl like her getting hurt." This statement shuts me up as I clench my jaw.

He doesn't even know how I feel towards Kendal. There's no reason he should think that I'd hurt her because I wouldn't. I wouldn't ever think of hurting her.

Word count 1119

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