Chapter 10

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Hi, good morning! I hope you have a better day and I need you to keep trying, you'll be okay. Remember most band members have gone through this, take Gerard for an example so you're okay :) ~J

I shut my locker closed and turned my heels around, heading to class. I found Ryan sitting at his usual spot, saving the spot next to him. I smiled and ran over to him, giving him a hug before I sat down.

"Hey, Frankie," he smiled. "How're you?"

"I'm okay," I said. "How are you and Brendon doing?"

"We're doing great," Ryan said, his smile growing wider as he spoke about Brendon. 

Class soon started and Ryan and I stopped our conversation, paying attention to class again.

"I'm so glad it's almost spring break," Ryan whispered to me.

"Me too," I giggled.

"Frank, Ryan, anything you want to share with the class?" The teacher asked, raising her eyebrows at us. 

"No, ma'am," Ryan and I replied at the same time.

The teacher grunted and continued on with the lesson. It soon turned to lunch and everyone went to the cafeteria. I found my friends and sat with them.

"Not getting lunch, Frankie?" Pete asked.

"I'm not hungry," I replied.

"Well, I guess," Pete shrugged. "Melanie and Dodie aren't here."

"Yeah, I saw them go to the restroom," I said.

"Where's Ryan then?" He asked.

I frowned and looked around before I spotted Ryan. He smiled over at us and sat beside me.

"Hey, guys," he greeted. "Where's Dodie and Melanie?"

"At the bathroom," I said.

"I think they're making out," Pete grinned.

"Shut the fuck up, Pete," Ryan rolled his eyes.  "Leave your sexual fantasies out of this conversation."

"It's not a sexual- wait, Yeah, I guess you're right," Pete sighed.

I giggled and shook my head at both of them. Melanie and Dodie soon returned, their faces flushed and their lips swollen.

"Hi, guys," Melanie said.

Dodie's face blushed madly as she tried to speak but she didn't say anything, her lips parted but no words left her lips.

"So were you two making out?" Ryan asked casually.

Dodie choked on her saliva and her face turned into a violent red again. Melanie grinned and wrapped an arm around Dodie's waist.

"You can say that," Melanie said.

I gasped. "So are you guys together now?"

"Yes," Dodie quickly answered. 

"We are?" Melanie raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, unless you don't want to," Dodie muttered.

"N-No, I just thought you didn't like me in that way and didn't want to have any sexual or romantic relationship with me," Melanie said.

"Can you guys talk about this somewhere else?" Pete suggested.

"Um, Pete, let them talk," I said.

"He's right, Love," Dodie told me as she stood up. "We should talk about this somewhere else."

Melanie nodded and they both left again. 

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