Chapter 15

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I heard shuffles along the floor before sounds of something being fried with the smell lingering around me. I knew exactly what that smell was! Someone was making pancakes and bacon in my kitchen, and whoever it is I promise to hug and kiss them.

My eyes fluttered open while I groaned at how much sunlight was in my face before getting up still in a sitting position and yawned.

"Good morning sunshine" my back stiffen a bit as I notice who that voice belonged too "Derek" I glance as unsure why was he cooking breakfast at my house.

 'Nothing happened right, I mean we just watched a movie and I'm sure as hell fell asleep'

"Acacia he heard you snoring, pretty embarrassing if I say so myself," Snow says while laughing.

"I hope your hungry as I am, I made us breakfast," he says while I tied my messy hair up in a bun.

I got up a stretched some more and heard my bones cracking. A satisfied smile was plastered on face.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry Derek, I fell asleep and ruined our date" I apologized sincerely while noticing how much of a headache I have right now. 

He frowns and looks at me "I don't care, as long as I got to spend quality time with you" he steps closer to me "and I got to hold you in my arms and watch you sleep" he slides his left hand around my waist making me yelp in surprise "then I'll say it was an amazing night darling" he gives me an award-winning smile. 

"Yeah I must be super tired" I murmured quietly as I looked over to the empty bottle of wine we had last night. 

He follows my glance before he gave me a tight squeeze "You did drink a lot of wine babe." 

"One bottle of wine does not have the willpower to knock me out," I say truthfully as he chuckled. 

"You are so beautiful" He whispers before leaning forward slowly.

I smiled at him while lightly putting my hand onto his chest "I need to go pee" I whispered while he chuckles "way to ruin the moment Acacia."

I took the opportunity to go to my bathroom and freshen up.

I haven't thought about my feelings towards Derek, in fact, I haven't even been in a relationship or any relationship in that matter. I would have sex though, but it's causal. Strictly no strings attached.

"More like get AIDS and die alone," Snow says as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, at least I'll be happy knowing I had sex with multiple different dicks" I replied while brushing my teeth.

"Well don't you deserve an award for sucking the most dicks in the world," she says sarcastically before I groaned and spat out the toothpaste.

The nerve of this wolf.

I exited my room and saw that Derek has already set the table with the breakfast he made and was smiling at me.

I couldn't help but grin like an idiot walking up to him and hugged him. 

He hugged me back while placing a kiss on my forehead "We are ready to eat" he mumbles while we both let go and sat on the chairs.

I looked in front of my plate and I couldn't help but drool at the sight of how good my breakfast looks like. Pancake and Bacon with whipped cream at the top and on the side fresh strawberries and bananas. 

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