Chapter 1 the meeting of two parallel genius

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In the mists of Central city, deep underground. Lex Luthor who escaped prison and searching of a save place for himself. By building a machine that can open a portal and send him to a parallel universe where he can start fresh.

But little did he know is that another villain was also having a machine built to travel to another parallel universe where he can also start fresh. That villain name was Baron Zemo and his scientist Baron von Blitzschlag.

Baron Zemo: Hurry Blitzschlag, the Avengers will soon be on to us.

Baron von Blitzschlag: Don't worry master. The machine is about done now.

Then the Machine started to power up and open portal.

Baron Zemo: you've done well.

Then Baron Zemo shot his mad scientist, killing him so that no would track him down. Then Baron Zemo enter the portal. As the two evil geniuses ran through the portal trying to find a world where they can live. Then the two villains meet each other.

Lex Luthor and Baron Zemo: who are you?

Lex Luthor: how did you get here?

Baron Zemo: through a portal machine. I guess that you have done the same. But the question is why?

Lex Luthor: what's to you, now get out of my way!

Baron Zemo: you're a villain that escape your universe.

Lex Luthor: indeed, I did.

Baron Zemo: Tell me is there an evil society in your universe?

Lex Luthor then smile and said indeed there is.

Baron Zemo: what if we help each other get our own world.

Lex Luthor: I'm listening.

Then the two villains began to work together. for what plan will they use to take over their world. And who will stop them.

Avengers and Justice League defenders of the two worldsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat