Chapter 13 new friends

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In the DC universe the rest of the Justice League wait on how Batman, Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman were doing.

Flash: you all think that their doing all right in there?

John Stewart: well they are tough hitters. Plus, Batman is know what to do so they should be fine.

Cyborg: are alright Superman? Your tapping a lot on your finger.

Superman: I know, I do trust them, I do. But I hate doing nothing.

Zatanna: don't worry, I'm sure that there will be something to do soon.

Flash: yeah, I'm mean it's not like someone is going to teleport here and say something.

Then Captain America and Doctor strange appeared from a portal.

Flash: wow I got to stop saying stuff like that.

Black Lighting: who are you two?

Captain America: don't worry were friends. My name Steve Rogers and this is Stephen Strange were here to help.

Superman: stand down! Their telling the truth. Let take a guess you two came from a parallel universe.

Captain America: yes, we saw your friends don't worry they're fine. But your villain Luthor is loose in our earth.

Superman: we know that why were going to take him back.

Captain America: yes, but there's a villain from our universe who invaded into your world.

Flash: that can't be good.

Superman: what his name?

Captain America: his name is Barron Zemo. He is a cunning as he is resisted.

Superman: I agree that he need to be stop. But what is Luthor doing in your world.

Captain America: he been busting out Zemo old team out of prison. We are still not sure what they are still up after that. But-

Superman: their working together.

Captain America: yes.

John Stewart: do you think Zemo will try and do the same thing that Luthor is doing.

Superman: I think so. Thank you for help Steve.

Captain America: no worry's. if we want to stop both Zemo and Luthor, we are going to have to work together.

Superman: agree.

Captain America: good that what I like to hear. Now I need to return back to my world. We will let you know if anything changes.

Superman: ok.

Captain America: Stephen time go back.

Doctor Strange: right.

And so, the Justice League and the Avengers agree to work together. but will their alliance be able to be Luthor and Zemo plan.

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