Chapter 17 the Prize

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As the justice league knew about the Lex Luthor and Barron Zemo plan. They send Black Lighting to warn the Avengers about the rebirth of the Manhunters. Meanwhile in the Marvel universe, Iron man, Thor and Black Panther return to Avenger mansion to regroup with the others.

Iron Man: Hey Cap, were back!

Captain America: were you able to stop Lex Luthor?

Iron Man: uh sadly no, he mange to get the Executioner and Moonstone got away with them. And why is there a man in a bat suit here.

Captain America: this is Batman. He and his friends came from the same place Luthor came from and their here to help us.

Iron Man: nice to meet you.

Batman: we need to think where Luthor will strike next.

Iron Man: quite the socially. Where everyone else?

Captain America: Clint got injury but he should be fine now. Everyone else is with him.

Iron Man: well I'm goanna look for Luthor through satellite, T'Challa want to give me a hand with it.

Black Panther: if it brings them to justice, then yes.

Then as they were walking a portal was opened and it was Black Lighting come to warn everyone. Just as everyone was prepared, Batman calm everyone down.

Batman: don't fire his on our side.

Captain America: he right, I can vouch for him he was when I saw the Justice league.

Black Lighting: where Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl?

Batman: there upstairs, did something happen?

Black Lighting: yeah let's just gather everyone then I'll talk.

10 mins later everyone was gather in the living room.

Hawkgirl: alright Jeff what happen? Were you able to find Zemo?

Black Lighting: no not yet. But we might have an idea on what happening. They plan to remake an army of Manhunters under their command.

Wonder Woman: you mean Zemo stole the blueprints.

Black Lighting: it wasn't him, but it was stolen by Sinestro, Killer Frost, Metallo and Clayface. But given the timing on everything it could be Zemo's plan.

Captain America: Zemo could of plan something like this.

Thor: that villain, has no honour!

Iron Man: backup here, how bad are the Manhunters things you that Zemo trying to build?

Batman: their robots from space, they believe in emotions stand away from their justice.

Hawkeye: well that sound familiar.

Black Lighting: what do you mean?

Hawkeye: ask Tony.

Iron Man: well... I made something similar to the Manhunters.

Wonder Woman: what do you mean?

Iron Man: it all begin ten years ago, just as I started out being Iron Man. I thought of a program that bring us closer together as a race. I called it Ultron. Me and a scientist called Hank Pym decided to work on this together. we manage to done the easy part making the robots. The hard part was making it self-aware. Years later nothing happens. Then as we were close to a break through, that when things gone wrong.

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