Chapter 23 the path of a superhero

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With the most powerful superheroes dealing with the Ultrons and Manhunters. The rest of the heroes went in the Legion of doom base to stop their plan. Batman led his team to stop the device that makes more of Ultrons and Manhunters.

Batman: Iron man are we getting closer to the Infinity stone?

Iron man: it should be just ahead.

As they pass through the hall they discover the device that makes more Ultrons and Manhunters.

Batman: alright how do we take it down now?

Iron man: we can't just destroy the machine with the Infinity stone inside. We need to disable the machine and take the Infinity stone away with the box T'Challa have.

Then a laser was fired by Black Manta and hit Hawkgirl.

Black Manta: well, looks like the fun just arrive.

Iron Man: Ok let's take-

Then Batman threw explosion Batrangs hitting the bad guys.

Iron Man: hey I was going to attack first.

Batman: then should have move faster.

Bane: enough small talk!

Then they all charges at each other. Meanwhile Captain America lead his team to capture Baron Zemo and Luthor. They rush through looking for them. Then heard something.

Captain America: be careful it looks like a trap.

Wonder Woman: you smell that.

Hawkeye: well we were fighting in a swamp.

Wonder Woman: no not that. I smell blood.

They then walk to the room.

Falcon: wow, is that Luthor?

Black Lighting: it was.

Hawkeye: are you sure his dead?

Captain America: he is and I know who kill him.

Then Deathstroke swing down from the ceiling and sticky grenade on to Captain America's shield and explosion. but Captain America mange to endured most of the damage of it and bounce to a wall.

Wonder Woman went to help him. But then Taskmaster shoot his Sniper at Wonder Woman but Wonder Woman saw it and deflect just in time. Then Cheetah came out and rush at Wonder Woman and scratch her with her claws. Then the rest of the villains showed up.

Captain America: where are you Zemo?!

Then Baron Zemo showed up and started clapping.

Baron Zemo: you have done well to make it this far Captain. For that you have my praise.

Captain America: why you killed Luthor?

Baron Zemo: ah yes, he done well. But to be honest there can only be one ruler. Now this is where you all die! Wipe them out!

Deathstroke and Taskmaster then brought out their machine guns and fired at the Heroes. Then Wonder Woman deflect the bullets and Zatanna use Eldritch spell which stop the bullets and was heading to Taskmaster. But Abomination took the hit instead and started charging at Aquaman. But Aquaman use his trident and hold him down for a moment. Then Abomination grab Aquaman and threw him through a wall.

Captain America: Superman how are you handling thing on your end!

Superman: we are handling the robots, but they keep coming. So, we can't come yet.

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