Chapter 15 the dell

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Meanwhile in the DC universe, Zemo had gain control of the Legion of Doom. And had already assemble a plan, Zemo had all of his members working each on their own parts. Zemo then told Sinestro to lead Metallo, Clayface and Killer Frost on a raid to Star Labs.

A few hours later at Star Lab, things were very quiet before the storm.

Guard 1: hey Jarred, how are thing around here?

Guard 2: pretty quiet around here. Hey look it's Stanley Lely!

Guard 3: Hey fellas!

Guard 1 and 2: hey Stan.

Guard 2: so how that superhero thing that you are writing.

Guard 3: ha, pretty good. Soon I'll be out of this job like a man with spider powers swinging around big building.

Guard 1: where you get that from?

Guard 3: oh, that in my-

Then Metallo smash a hole in the wall and him and Sinestro, Clayface and Killer Frost storm in. they knock all of the guards out then Sinestro said.

Sinestro: find the data we need!

Then storm the building look for files and on computers, they kept searching and wreaking the place. Then Clayface saw a vault and went through the it and look on high tech stuff. Then Clayface found what they were looking for.

Clayface: hey, I found it.

Sinestro: Good, now let go!

Killer Frost: can't we at least kill some of them here.

Sinestro: no, we don't have time for this!

Then Sinestro put the rest of his Comrades in a sphere and fly away with them. Then one of the guards got up and said.

Guard 3: I'm going on my break.

Then the four villains arrive back and went to report on Zemo.

Barron Zemo: do you have it?

Sinestro: yes, we got the blueprints as you said.

Barron Zemo: very good. Professor zoom, how goes the machines?

Professor Zoom: the machine build is almost complete, but it still needs the power source you needed.

Barron Zemo: and the other one?

Professor Zoom: it will be ready soon.

Barron Zemo: good, time to move forward.

As Zemo moves forward on his plan it turn out that he will be build an army to take over his world and Lex Luthor world. But what kind of machines is he building. 

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